View Full Version : MSPAC Meetings

03-30-2010, 01:11 PM
Both our November and January meetings were well attended. We are all to busy during maple season to visit one another to compare notes and these meetings seem the appropriate time to do just that.
I'm trying to get a feel from our membership as to who would be in favor of making these meetings daylong events with a lunch thrown in to give us more time to network. I know that I personally could spend several hours comparing notes. The association may have to charge about $10 to cover lunch, but a lot of us would stop to eat on the way home with the present schedule.
The second question is, with the season seeming to start earlier each year, do we need to hold our January meeting earlier in the month?
Submit your thoughts and suggestions.

03-30-2010, 07:52 PM
as a new member this season i really liked going to the jan meeting. i also took the 1st beginner course, even though i had been producing for about 4 yrs. i think an all day meeting would be great and an extra donation to cover food/beverages wouldn't be bad either. you could also do a pot luck lunch or something of that nature? i would really like the extra time to network w/ some of the other producers when we both have the time. an earlier meeting may be beneficial, although i think it may be better to have it around the middle of jan, instead of early as thats close to the holidays.

10-29-2011, 06:52 PM
MSPAC meeting next Saturday, Nov. 5 at Sessions Woods in Burlington. Two great speakers are scheduled.

11-01-2011, 11:51 AM
is the meeting still on for this weekend after the storm and many people not having power?

11-01-2011, 05:51 PM
i was wondering that as well, i plan to call rob lamothe tommorow and see if he knows since he is very involved and lives close to there

11-01-2011, 07:31 PM
I'm waiting to hear if the meeting is still on. It's not looking good. The president, vice pres. and Rob all live in W. CT where their is no power.