View Full Version : sugar house brings neighbor together.

red maples
03-28-2010, 09:01 AM
so with the open house yesterday, I met several of my neighbors nd some are 4th generation farming families with alot of history in the area.

So I learned that just down the street(on 111 for those who live in the kingston area) was a sugarhouse don't know far back it dates but it was litterally cut in half so they could widen rt 111(exeter rd) and still stans for now but it is coming down soon. and it was called maple hill farm. the entire hill was cover with sugar maples and then was clear cut and all the maples sold as timber for furniture and what ever else and became pature. the hill now has 2 hay fields a small farm with a a horse ckickens and a few cows, and about 6-8 houses on it. The last tree which was said to be one of the oldest from the farm est. 175-200 yrs old came down last year as it fell apart in the ice storm.

The property right next to mine I always wondered about because the trees only seem about 40-60 years old. Well a guy came to farm it in the 1940's and clear cut 150 acres made it pature and never used it!!! it was a lot of maple...sold it for furniture, and such!!!

the remaining large maples in the area 150+ yrs old were left along rock walls property borders, and roads.

the property I am on was part of a farm that dated back to 1720's. the farmer had 2 son's one worked the farm and the other was a pirate out of seabrook, NH. he used to bring back his prisoners to the farm to work as slaves. wow huh!!!

and my house use to be the parsonage for church that was in the front yard but was torn down after the pastor was seen driving and around in a red corvette and suddenly took off with all the churches money!!!

MMMM lets see what today brings!!!

03-28-2010, 11:53 AM
It is cool what you can learn from the neighbours. I have had people stop in and tell me they used to help the previous owner of my place do maple syrup. They all have different stories to tell. He was quite an interesting character.
