View Full Version : Used Oil Burner
03-27-2010, 04:15 AM
Has anyone used a used oil burner for their rig?
I don't know much about they burn hot enough?
03-27-2010, 07:16 AM
Do you mean waste oil?
I am interested as well.
03-27-2010, 08:07 AM
They burn plenty hot and I considered one on my evaporator several years ago. Only problem I found with them, at least one I was looking at is the biggest nozzle they sell is 3.5 gph which would have been plenty for my evaporator, but wouldn't be enough for a larger evaporator. I watched one in action and was very impressed by them.
Haynes Forest Products
03-27-2010, 08:59 AM
I did alot of calling and info gathering and I found alot of snake oil salesmen when it comes to the claims buy builders of burners. Most converted oil guns are at best a very exspensive home builds. I found companys that make WOBs very costly and when I told them what I wanted to do they wouldnt sell just the burner.
Some of the problems with the waste oil industry is Synthetic oil. By nature its designed not to burn and that is what makes it such a good product is that it doesnt burn at the temps we need for combustion in the arch. Waste oil that has alot of other junk poured in with it like solvents. Most companys that end up with waste oil as a buy product of there buisness like a Jiffy lube wont sell the oil because of the company policy so your left with smaller dealers. You can buy filterd waste oil from some suppliers but they dont give that much of a discount when its compared to heating oil.
Now the good news Waste oils like trans ,gear and engine oils that dont have ALOT of synthetic oils or additives in them burn hotter than no2 diesel. as far as resturant cooking oil I dont know how the BTUs compare.
One of the big draw backs of WO is the gathering, cleaning, storing, filtering,keeping it mixed and heated. When oils of differant types sit they seperate and they need to be mixed so they will burn evenly. There is aloy of crap that comes along with resturant WO. Food products and water need to be filterd out and disposed of. I also believe that fossil fuel oils and resturant oils dont burn well together. WO also leaves ash that needs to be cleaned out of the arch. Not alot but still will build up.
Some states do not allow the storage of WO in large amounts because its clasifyed as a hazardous material. Some states allow storage for heating. NOW for the part about using it for food production is forbiden buy some states.
Most after market WOBs cost around $3000.00 $4500.00 so the cost is crazy and will diliver around 35000 BTUs (not enough for a 3x10) Plus you need Compressed air to run them and a way of heating the oil. I did find a company in Janesville Wisc called Lanair that makes and sells WOBs and they would sell just the gun for around $500.00 and it would do about 32000 BTUs. I figured I would need 2 guns.I hope this helps with the WO idea.
03-27-2010, 03:06 PM
Yes i am talking waste oil..most would be my own used engin oil...
Haynes Forest Products
03-27-2010, 05:06 PM
What you do and how you do it is no ones buisness but your own....unless you start selling syrup using waste oil if its not going to pass inspection. I dont see a problem but others will and do so take it for what its worth. If oil goes up as its going we will be back at the $3.50 level I might be looking at wood. Hell I can get a cord of cut to size mill slabs oak,pine,ash and cedar for $50.00 a cord picked up.
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