View Full Version : New Tradition

03-24-2010, 10:40 PM
I'm just a 5 gallons of syrup / year backyard boiler.
Tonight I just finished up- pulled the taps and bottled the rest of the syrup.

I was a bit hungry and so I started my own tradition ( it could be a daily tradition until I run out of syrup )

I fried up a full pound of fresh pork sausage patties in a pan with 1/4" of syrup.
Then I ate all of it as a reward for my labor. ( my dog got the grease/ syrup leftovers )

I'll do it all again next year just for the simple reward of my own syrup on that pig.
Now , I might need to start raising pigs!

Bucket Head
03-25-2010, 08:18 PM
More pig's! We need more pig's!!

Sound's like a great idea! Tradition's need to start somewhere. Congrat's on this season and good luck next year.
