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Dan Bolton
03-24-2010, 10:27 PM
The topic of this thread is all about family and family is why I enjoy making maple syrup! I guess it's in my blood so to speak! From what my dad,grandfather and uncles have told me my great grandfather was the biggest maple producer in the state of new york back in the late 50's and 60's. I can remember being present one time when I was very young at the sugar house and I was scared to say the least:o ! My grandfather had 5 evaporater's going at once and he used oil and all I can remember hearing was the loud roar! I believe he had around 10,000 tap's but I will check again on that to make sure! All of this probably explain's why today I started building my own evaporator! For the last 16 year's I have been helping my uncle along with some of my cousin's but he is in his late 70's and I don't see him doing it for much longer so my cousin and I are going to carry on the tradition! I have started building the evaporator and soon we will start on the new sugar house!

03-24-2010, 10:40 PM
Dan welcome aboard. Where are you in NY?

Dan Bolton
03-24-2010, 10:46 PM
I am located in Burlington New York! I am about 20 minute's north west of Cooperstown and about an hour from albany! About an hour from Binghamton as well!

Greg Morin
03-25-2010, 05:12 AM
cool story!!

Dan Bolton
03-25-2010, 08:19 PM
I got talking to my dad today and he said my grandfather had more like 15,000 tap's! Wow, could you imagine that! My dad along with many other local's worked for him back in the day making a big 25 cent's an hr! Lol. Dad also told me one season he made around 4,000 gallon's of maple syrup! That is insane! But then again that was his buisness!

03-25-2010, 08:48 PM
Okay not to spoil your excitement but that is impossible to get 40,000 gallons of syrup of 15,000 taps. Dang near impossible to get that of 40,000 taps, 80,000 taps is a little more realistic if he got that much syrup. You sure he did not say 4000?

Dan Bolton
03-26-2010, 05:14 PM
How doe's this sound! The best year he ever had he made 5,500 gallon's but he usually stayed around the 4000 gallon mark! I miss undestood my dad! I am not one for making up stories and after I read that back that seemed like it was way high! Thank's for the correction! Now I don't look like a idiot!

maple flats
03-26-2010, 06:54 PM
3rdgen, you have misread. You misplaced a decimal. 4000-5500 gal is very possible. It most likely was all on buckets and that is very realistic for 15000 taps. In 2008 I made 186.7 gal on 525 taps, my best yield ever and all was on gravity tubing except about 50 buckets.

03-26-2010, 10:36 PM
3rdgen, you have misread. You misplaced a decimal. 4000-5500 gal is very possible. It most likely was all on buckets and that is very realistic for 15000 taps. In 2008 I made 186.7 gal on 525 taps, my best yield ever and all was on gravity tubing except about 50 buckets.

No sir, Dan pulled a fast one on me and edited it to 4,000 after my post. Bet you thought I was insane huh. LOL It originally said 40,000 I was pretty sure he meant 4,000 anyways. Ahhh Dan you are not an idot we all make mistakes.

Haynes Forest Products
03-26-2010, 10:55 PM
Dan welcome and remember even if you dont sound like an IDIOT we will sooner or later make you look like one:o :lol:

Dan Bolton
03-26-2010, 11:00 PM
3rdgen I had to change it! Lol. It looked rediculas! I know a few people from where I live that are big story teller's and I didn't want to be compared to them! Lol. My dad told me 4,000 and I took it for 40,000. Lol. My bad!

03-26-2010, 11:57 PM
Okay Dan now I am really upset with you. I was really hoping you meant 40,000 cause I was gonna hire you to come tap my trees and make syrup for me next year. I was counting on a banner year and beat everyones production on the trader next year. I thought you new something we all didn't. LOL

Dan Bolton
03-27-2010, 10:18 AM
Boy! That would take some time tapping that many tree's for sure! That would be like a full time job! Lol.

04-05-2010, 09:47 AM
Are you the same Dan Bolton who worked for Ubner?

Dan Bolton
04-05-2010, 10:54 AM
Yes! I am the one who worked for Scott!

04-05-2010, 04:28 PM
I'm Matt Lippitt over on Christian Hill. How have you been? how big is that evaporator you are building?

Brian Ryther
04-05-2010, 04:53 PM
Hello Dan,

I am a few miles south of Garrattsville. Was your Grand Father a Benjeman?

Oaknut are you any relation to Buddy Lippitt?

Dan Bolton
04-05-2010, 08:59 PM
Matt how have you been? I haven't seen you in year's! I am building a 3x10 Evaporator! My cousin Marty and I are going to be starting our own Deal! We have been helping my uncle for the last 20 year's! He is 80 and he is about to step down! Brian nice to meet you! I live just north of you in Burlington and yes Murray Benjamin is my great grandfather! I wanted to know the history a little better and my grandma his daughter gave me some really cool old newspaper clipping's today! His buisness was even in a magazine as well as alot of newspaper's! Very cool!

04-05-2010, 09:11 PM
Hey Dan, I've been doing just fine. I finally convinced Ubner to sell me that dozer. I knew if I bugged him enough he would give in! How have you been? Still with CSP? How many taps you gonna run next year?

Brian Ryther, yes Buddy is my infamous little brother.

Dan Bolton
04-05-2010, 09:25 PM
Lol! I knew he would sell you that in time! I still talk with Scott on a annual bases! We are not sure yet on he tap's! We still have to build the sugar house which I am going to get the D-5 Cat from work and start grading the area this weekend! We are going to go 16x32 on the sugar house with a 16x16 jog off from it for our 1000 gallon holding tank and wood room combined! I got permission from 2 land owner's that join each other to tap ther tree's! A beautifull wood's that has never been looged! We are thinking we can get 1000 tap's out of that one wood's! Time will tell though! We still have alot to do and buy! We still have to buy the pan's and all of the line! I am still with CSP! I am runing a paver paving road's all summer!