View Full Version : Solutions for flushing lines

03-23-2010, 05:47 PM
What are the options?

farmall h
03-23-2010, 06:45 PM
water...is what I use but there are solutions on the market...contact the Maple Guys and they will steer you in the right direction. Clorox is not recommeded from what I hear.

03-23-2010, 08:23 PM
In the past I have used calcium hypoclorite and feel it is better than bleach(sodium hypoclorite). Bleach leaves a salty residue that attracts squirrels. Calcium hypoclorite is available at pool supply stores. I know others are also using hydrogen peroxide, I have never tried that.

03-23-2010, 08:34 PM
In the past I have used calcium hypoclorite and feel it is better than bleach(sodium hypoclorite). Bleach leaves a salty residue that attracts squirrels. Calcium hypoclorite is available at pool supply stores. I know others are also using hydrogen peroxide, I have never tried that.

I use the same as Keith and have very good success and very little squirrel damage.

03-24-2010, 07:58 AM
Last year I pumped fresh water through the system to flush, then pumped it full of water again and let it set a week, then mixed up SMBS, the same preservative that is used for RO membranes. Pumped it into the system and capped it. Tubes were crystal clear. Only regrets was that I did not take advantage of a late fall warm weekend to flush the SMBS out so it was ready to go in the spring.

Tree rat damage Zero
Did get a couple of chews from mice where deadfall knocked the lines to the ground. I'll get at them earlier this year, I promise, scouts honor etc.

I figure I used a whole $5.00 worth of SMBS to do 160 taps. This year I've got 600 taps so it will take about $25. That's ok by me for clean tubes.

03-24-2010, 08:37 AM
What % do you use?
Is it liquid or powder

maple madnes
03-24-2010, 08:42 AM
what is the best way to clean gravity lines i have no vacume on 250 taps? thanks for and help.

03-24-2010, 08:57 AM
My local maple dealer sells it as a powder. Mix 1 cup per 5 gallons for the RO. I cut it thinner than that. Maybe 1 cut to 15 gallons.

I did not use vac to clean. I took out a water pump and pumped from the bottom up. This is a 2 person job. One at the bottom to run the pump with a ballvalve on the output. The other gradually works his way uphill. As the solutions reach the lowest taps and squirts a bit, you cap them, then move further up hill until you hit the top. If you just start pumping almost all will come out of the lowest drop lines and the top will get none.

When it's all full, close the ball valve at the bottom to keep the fluid inside.

03-24-2010, 09:49 AM
what is the best way to clean gravity lines i have no vacume on 250 taps? thanks for and help.

I use a 3 gallon backpack sprayer and rinse with straight water. Pull each tap, give them a good long squirt and plug each tap. I give an extra-long squirt of water to the end-tree on each lateral and leave the end tap unplugged to allow each lateral to drain. I put a 5/16" adapter on this unplugged end-tree tap to allow draining but prevent the mud wasps from filling my tap with mud in the off season.

03-24-2010, 08:38 PM
I use a high output 32 or 36 ounce hand spray bottle and hit each tap with 5 to 10 squirts. I know, sounds like it wouldn't work but it works good and these spray bottles create some turbulence. I mix 1 teaspon of calcium hypochlorite to a gallon of distilled water off of the preheater for the cleaning solution and let it drain until it drains out.

03-24-2010, 08:47 PM
With the calcium hypocloriteI have used it comes in powder and I believe I use a 1/4 cup in 5 gal but I'm not sure with out going and looking on the package, where I wrote the amount to use.
If you do a search on it, most say it is even better than bleach as a disinfectent.

maple flats
03-24-2010, 09:40 PM
The past 4 years I have used Hydrogen Peroxide BUT based on what Dr Tim says Proctor uses I thought I would go just plain air and water.The helpers only need worry about getting wet and not worry about getting a blast of peroxide on them. I have however cleaned the tanks this year during the season with 1 qt 35% food grade peroxide to 75 gal water. I have good results with the peroxide but I thought I would try just water to compare. No measuring or math needed. I use my sap pump and air compressor to send a mix to the top. Creates turbulnce and works good.