View Full Version : Season ending totals

03-23-2010, 09:05 AM
Well lets just see how much everyone made, with what equipment and what last years totals were.

This year I made 9.75 gallons, with no fancy, 11/2 gal of C grade, 2 gal of B and the rest med to dark amber. Last year 30 gal with some fancy some B but mostly med and dark amber.

All on a Leader 2x6 drop flue with 206 taps, last year same evaporator but on 175 taps.

Low budget maple
03-23-2010, 11:41 AM
This year made 15 gal med amber on an 18 by 63 sportsman. Last year 7 on an 18 by 48 flat pan. Dissapointing year but got the sugar house up, wired , and the bugs worked out of my set up. Next year should be more fun

03-23-2010, 12:12 PM
10 gals.. Not a drop more! Last year was also about 10 but I had to quit in the early part for personal reasons. I was hoping for 40-50 this year... Oh well.

03-23-2010, 01:27 PM
Around 100 gallons so far, don't have the syrup out of the pans yet or a grade breakdown. This is my first year on this bush with this equipment. I can safely say that with better weather and and RO I can make 200 gallons. Maybe next year.


The Birdman
03-23-2010, 02:01 PM
I made 35 gal this year with 200 taps. I made 25 gal last year with 87 taps. Never had the right weather, good thing I tap in January. I do have enough for my pancakes and had a great time doing it. Cleaning up everything right now. I have my wood cut for next season and making plan for next season. Work all year getting ready for 6 weeks of sap ITs madness, but I love it.