View Full Version : De Laval VP 76 Pump
Dennis H.
03-22-2010, 02:15 PM
I know I know here is another one of those posts but I have to ask
What kind of info can anyone give me on a De Laval VP76 dairy pump. All I could find so far is that it may have a 3hp motor and that it is a vane style pump.
There is an auction coming up that has a complete system still installed in barn and I must remove it. It says it has al the glass tubing and it also sounds like it has the tanks and recievers.
SO what is the pump and other stuff worth any idea?? I did find out that it looks like an electric reciever.
I also just talked to the guy that has it in his barn, the milk tank is no longer there, bummer!!
03-23-2010, 08:38 PM
Good find Dennis. I have a similar pump in my barn. My grandfather bought and installed it 35 years ago and other than new veins and oil, I haven't done anything to it.
They're good reliable pumps. They move lots of air (CFM) but are generally lower on the vacuum (inches of mercury) end of things. You can squeeze some extra inches out of it if you rig up some type of oil cooler for the reclaimer. I used to have one of these in my sugarhouse and was able to get 19 inches out of it with a good TIGHT tubing system in the woods.
It sounds like the current owner doesn't use the pump anymore it would be smart to give it a good "once over" before you start it up...maybe even get him to start it for you. Make sure the veins aren't broken or chipped, make sure the bearings all still spin freely and that there is nothing inside the pump. You'll probably want to put a new filter on the reclaimer, get some new oil lines, and inspect the oilers before you start it up. The oilers have an adjustment bolt where the oil line attaches to the pump housing...that's how you control how much oil your pump's bearings are getting. Too lean, you'll burn up the bearings...too rich and you'll notice a foggy hazy mess coming out of your exhaust pipe...that's vaporized oil and you're blowing money out the side of your pump house. There are little sight tubes directly below the adjustment bolts. When you get ready to start it up, open the bolts up a ways until you start to see oil dripping in the sight tube. Then, adjust each bolt until you see a drip of oil every 6 seconds or so...this is where I run mine in the barn. It works pretty well, doesn't burn much oil, and it hasn't ever burned out a bearing. Other than maybe a new set of belts, that should do you for the pump. With the jar, the only thing you would ever have to replace are the sensors inside the jar or the impeller on the pump. One end will go to your vacuum pump and the other to your storage tank. You're probably not going to need the booster tank in your pump room. You will, however, need a moisture trap between the pump and the receiver jar. In one of your pics, it looks like there's a place for a stainless pail to hook onto the vacuum line (between the jar and pump). It's to the left of the glass's cast iron and should have an o-ring on it. It also looks like there's a piece missing...there should be a rod with a float ball on it that drops through the middle of this plate. If something goes wrong and that pail fills up with milk/sap, the float ball pops up and the vacuum to your jar is "shut off".
As far as price goes, I couldn't tell you because the one we used in the sugarhouse for a while was a spare for the farm.
I think that covers the bulk of it. Let me know if you have more questions about this setup. I can also take some pics of mine if you need visuals on the missing parts, or are unsure of where some of the parts are.
Haynes Forest Products
03-24-2010, 01:21 AM
Dennis That some cool stuff I like the glass plumbing would look good full of sap. I have the same DeLaval moisture trap and mine doesnt have the float rod or ball ( dont think it came with it ) I was getting 26 Hgs off the same pump with oil flood system so its possible to get them up there. I think there is $500.00 wort of toys there. Thats with the sink and all the controls:)
Dennis H.
03-24-2010, 02:28 PM
I stopped over to take a look at the stuff yesterday and nothing is missing. The guy is 93 years old and he told me 5 years ago he stopped milking cows!!
Other than dust everything is clean and intact. He did say the sink goes with it also. I was a little shocked to the size of the milk receiver though the thing is maybe 16" round and about 24" overall high.
He told me there is no reserve on the stuff he just wants to get rid of it and he has had only one other person even ask about the stuff and it will be sight unseen at the auction on Sat if you didn't go look at it in his barn. So I am optomistic that I may have a good chance at the stuff.
Haynes if I get I will be asking how you turned it into a flooded system.
Yeah wouldn't it be cool to see all the sap flowing in the glass tubing!!
Haynes Forest Products
03-24-2010, 03:03 PM
Good luck. auctions are fun but frustrating when some numbsckull screws it up. I would get some numbers off the elec equipment and see what they do. Looks like pump controllers level sensors. That sink is worth $200.00
03-24-2010, 06:03 PM
That stuff looks like junk. you don't want it. it won't work, you will be fixing it all the time. so where is this auction:lol:
Just joking. looks like a good find. Good luck with the bidding... Sit in the front row and start out with a strong bid to scare everyone and make sure they know you mean business.
Jim Brown
03-24-2010, 06:40 PM
Dennis just keep bidding the auctioneer will tell you when to stop!!(LOL)
Good luck!
Haynes Forest Products
03-24-2010, 07:54 PM
Sit back and slam them in the end. Make sure the callers know your there and that the bidding doesnt stop till you shake your head NO or your the highest bidder.
Dennis H.
03-27-2010, 12:57 PM
I got the pump!! I eneded up getting for $450.
I was also trying to get a AFLA Delaval double sink but didn't get that but I had a guy come up to me than asking if I would trade the glass piping for a double sink that he had. Heck yeah! What am i going to do with 100' of glass piping??
So I will be heading up on Monday to start removing the vac system.
On another note I bidded on a SP11 that was there, kind of rough and didn't want to spend any more than $100 on it so I let it got. I was waiting got the BIG GUN and I got it.
Haynes Forest Products
03-27-2010, 05:12 PM
Good job how did the bidding go?? Were you bidding against the guys wife:lol: I would get there early to remove items only because I have had parts taken from items I have won and didnt stake my claim early. So did you get the controls and all the elec equipment??
Dennis H.
03-27-2010, 08:15 PM
I got everything! including the sink! He wanted everything that is related to the milking system removed even the steel vacuum piping under the glass piping in the stalls out in the barn!
I won't go on Sun but I will be up there on Mon to start taking things apart. The guy who owns the farm was right behind me when I bidding so when I turned around to leave he saw me and remembered me from Wed when I stopped by to take a look at things. The good thing with this auction was that the auction took place at a auction house not the farm so unless you know where he lives, I don't think I much to worry.
The guy who wanted the glass piping was the only one who worried me. He wanted to go to the farm and remove the piping himself but I told him I would give him a call once I have everything removed and have the stuff he wants ready to pick up.
farmall h
03-27-2010, 09:50 PM
You'll be farming in no time Dennis!:lol: Oh, be very careful..take the glass out first. The coupling nuts are sort of like compression fittings and should screw off easily. The gentleman farmer may have the special wrench for them...maybe not. If you have to use a pair of channel-lok pliers to get them started be sure to pad with a towel 'cause the plastic may be brittle. They only need to be hand tight when in operation since there is a gasket. Neat find..the pump may be 3ph so you will have to run a 220v. Just throw out the wife's clothes dryer and hard wire it right in it's spot...besides, she has the vac line to hang clothes on. Right?:) :)
03-27-2010, 11:55 PM
What did the SP-11 go for?? Did it have a tank and/or motor?
Dennis H.
03-28-2010, 07:10 PM
That's right no need for a dryer we have this new fancy clothes line!!
I just got back from taking most of the things apart. It went very easy. Well until a made some sparks!! I thought we had the breaker off for the system and when I got into one of the control boxes I cut a wire with my wire cutters, well I sort of have a wire cutter/wire stripper now. If you understand.
All the pipe contections came right apart. I found all sorts of new gaskets for the pipe line. It seems that anywhere there w a nail sticking from the wall there was gaskets on the nail.
I have one more load of stuff to bring home and I will gove the guy a call to bring my sink for all the glass piping.
The SP11 went for $110. I would have gone a little higher but it was missing the exhaust thingy with the cap. and there was this small piece f copper pipe sticking out from a hole just below the exhaust port. Not sure what that was for. I think it was a little rough so that is why I stopped at $100.
Haynes Forest Products
03-29-2010, 01:17 AM
Dennis I have a few pair of Klines that have a notch blown in them. I hope you have kept a log on what did what and went where:)
Dennis H.
03-29-2010, 03:00 PM
I took the digital camera and took lots of pics of the boxes open to show the wiring. Everything was labeled in the boxes on the boards so that wil make it easy to rewire things. But I think I will only be using the main contactor and fuses in the one box fo the vac pump and the controller box that is for the milk receiver pump.
For what I can see now there really isn't much to it. I will use a few things but most will be demoated to the stoage bin.
Haynes Forest Products
03-29-2010, 10:43 PM
Dennis what was the box with the pipe coming into it that sat on the sink? Is it some kind of cleaning drain?
Dennis H.
03-30-2010, 12:33 PM
Yeah it was part of the cleaning system, I think. I have to look at the pics I took closer.
It had hot and cold water contections on the back of the box and it had a drain that went into the sink. The SS pipe that comes in from the top comes from the pump on the bottom of the milk receiver jar. So I am not sure how the milk was to get to the tank but I should be able to bypass all that unk and go right from the pump on the receiver to the tank.
Oh yeah I also got this real cool tank washer thingy. it has a 3/4 hp motor and pump that has this 3' SS wand on it that has a few slots cut into the end at angles that look to spray out water in fan shapes. Might make a nice power tank washer!!!
Haynes Forest Products
03-30-2010, 01:37 PM
I Think you need to stick some of the teat cups on some of the trees that can be seen from the road next year. That will get them talking:o
03-30-2010, 05:03 PM
sir i can give u all info u need about this milking sysytem
my email adress is if u r intreted to sell some item i would like yo buy thanks
I know I know here is another one of those posts but I have to ask
What kind of info can anyone give me on a De Laval VP76 dairy pump. All I could find so far is that it may have a 3hp motor and that it is a vane style pump.
There is an auction coming up that has a complete system still installed in barn and I must remove it. It says it has al the glass tubing and it also sounds like it has the tanks and recievers.
SO what is the pump and other stuff worth any idea?? I did find out that it looks like an electric reciever.
I also just talked to the guy that has it in his barn, the milk tank is no longer there, bummer!!
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