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View Full Version : Help on a Surge BB2 Rebuild

03-18-2010, 07:10 PM
I am in the process of rebuilding a Surge BB2 pump that had a stripped gear. While I had it all apart waiting to get another gear, I forgot which way the plate that acts as the cylinder head goes onto the pump block. There are the two small holes that are over the cylinders plus two others for the intake and exhaust.

Does the larger hole that is further from the center rod sit over the exhaust side or the intake side?

Also, I had to buy a new motor for this setup and I am trying to determine the direction of rotation for the motor. On the cylinder head plate, there is an arrow on one side. Does this arrow indicate the direction of spin for the internal disc that rotates over the intake/exhaust port?

Thanks in advance


03-18-2010, 08:21 PM
I have an SP-11 and the arrow on top of my "cylinder head" indicates rotation of the flywheel. (Top of the flywheel goes in the direction of the arrow)
Sorry, can't help you on the internals. This thing has been at 22-23 inches. usually about 16-18 hours per day. So far, indestructable. Use the "spit-sizzle" test on the valve dome on top of the unit. If it sizzles with a dab of spit, try to run it slower with a smaller motor pully. I use a 3 1/2 HP gas and just slow the throttle down to keep at 22 inches.

03-18-2010, 08:39 PM
Thanks Larry. I figured it was likely the case but since it is not pulling as much vacuum as I would expect I want to make sure. That is why I am wondering if I got the cylinder head on backwards?

03-18-2010, 09:17 PM
If I stand behind the pump with the pully on my left, the flywheel (top) turns away from me. Or, looking at the pully, it turns counterclockwise.

03-18-2010, 09:39 PM

Is the arrow on the cylinder head above the cylinder nearest to the pulley or above the cylinder away from the pulley?


03-19-2010, 07:37 AM
Nearest to the pulley for sure. Points away from the exhaust muffler/site glass tube and TOWARD the suction side.