View Full Version : newbie questions

steve J
03-18-2005, 06:55 AM
I am useing a 2x3 evaporator made by W F Mason for the first time. The pan has 3 verticle raceways and while boiling last night I found that the middle raceway appear to boil hard and also the back end of the last race way but it was not boiling near the draw off at front of rig. There is like a scoop intack it bottom front of rig that delivers air up under grate. It looks to me that it forces the heat to the center of the evaporator vs evenly?

Any of you ever had this problem? and if so what is the cure?

03-18-2005, 09:04 AM

Due to air flow, it is always a little challenging to get the front and side channels to boil evenly. You may find that on the days that you boil longer and the rig is really hot for a while, the front and sides of the pan may boil better due to more radiant heat.

Things to try.
1. Make sure the fire box is 3/4 full AND there is adequate air getting to the wood burning on the sides of the fire box (i.e. wood packed tightly not allowing flames on the sides). Crossing the wood pieces every so often instead of laying them parallel helps.
2. Try restricting air a little so the flames make contact more towards the front of the pan. (This is probably not necessary once you do item #1)
3. Optional (I'm going to get flak for this, I know), but try firing as close to the front of the evaporator as possible. Even though this is frowned upon, it works for me sometimes.

I'm sure someone else will respond who has a Mason evaporator, but hopefully some of this helps.


03-18-2005, 10:29 AM
I had the same problem with my Algiers last year. We improved the draft by removing some of the sand from the back. I may have not had a big enough opening in the back. I also try to fire closer to the front of the door. Like within 3-4 inch's. It helped some last year.
Try playing with your draft door also. Don't be afraid to experiment. You may come up with the solution yourself. :D
Let us know how it works out. Good luck.

03-18-2005, 11:39 AM
I have had similar experiences with my Half Pint (a similar evaporator). Try firing closer to the front of the evaporator--that should help a lot.

It takes me easily 2 to 3 hours of boiing to be able to have a relatively even boil across the whole width of the pan--it takes time to preheat everything..

Have fun!!

03-18-2005, 01:27 PM
Every evaporator will probably due the same thing if you are draining it after every boil. The key is not to drain the pans until after the season. The sugar content will be higher in the drawoff compartment and this will help it boil better. The higher the sugar content in a section, the better it will boil.

You may already be doing this and it still doesn't work. :?

03-20-2005, 11:17 AM
I have the same brand but a 2X6 and have seen the same thing. I think If you play around with the way you load the fire box you may find the condition goes away. Start with a small fire and work it up from there. I haven't payed a lot of attention to that condition but noticed it more when I first fire up. Once things heat up good it goes away. Man what a difference from a flat pan!