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View Full Version : switch from wood fired to oil???

03-17-2010, 11:11 PM
I was wondering is it possible to convert a wood fire evaporator to run on oil or if I tried to build a arch like some of you guys have done what would have to be done different to make a oil fired arch. Thanks any help is great.

:D :D

Haynes Forest Products
03-18-2010, 12:04 AM
Converted a 2x8 wood to oil and it was simple. we filled in the wood box up to the grates with old bricks and sand and put a sheet of steel to cover it. Took the door off the front and bolted a 1/4" plate in its place and mounted a used beckett gun on it. Elec, oil drum and line and we were off and running worked for 6 years.

Babcock Maple
03-18-2010, 04:49 AM
i converted a 30" x 60" wood fired evaporator to oil fired. and yeah it is pretty simple. just need to replace the doors with a piece of steel and cut it to fit you gun. i would suggest lining the inside of your evaporator with the ceramic blanket. this helpd mine alot. i like the oil fire because i can boil to the tank runs dry then just flip a switch and walk away... :)

03-18-2010, 11:19 PM
I looked at a new lapierre 3x10 oil fired that a friends relative is running this year there was some kind of flapper valve thing on the side of the stack that blew wide open when he fired it up and the just some how adjusted it self during the time it was running what is this thing and is it needed for a converted arch.
:confused: :D
thanks for the tips this site is awesome does anyone have pics??

Haynes Forest Products
03-18-2010, 11:31 PM
Its a barometric damper If the draw from the stack starts to pull to hard it will open adding outside air to the stack to keep from pulling flame from the gun. It smothes out the burn. It will also open in windy conditions to keep the heat in the arch. Old time wood stoves used them to keep from pulling to much air thru the stove saving wood and keeping a nice even fire. I dont use one.