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View Full Version : Questions on an Alamo 75 pump purchase

03-17-2010, 01:25 PM
I have a chance to purchase an Alamo 75 vacuum pump (based upon a picture; no model number on pump according to seller). It has not been used for about 10 years but has been in a dry barn. It has a 4.5 hp motor(230 volt) and the vanes rotate freely. The owner does not have a way to hook it up or plug it in but he will guarantee the motor.

What else do I need to check to best see that it works? Can I rotate the pulley and feel a vacuum pull on it?

He said it needs a mesh and screen. Can I buy these as replacement parts?

If needed, can I get parts for this? He is asking $200, is that a good price?

Thanks in advance

Haynes Forest Products
03-17-2010, 02:09 PM
Thats a heck of a motor on the thing. If it has sat for that long and it turns freely thats good BUT you want to hear clinking noises as it turns. The noise is from the vanes dropping down and hitting the barrel. When its spinning at full RPMs you dont hear that noise because of centriugal force will keep them tight to the barrel. Now If you dont hear the clinking and you dont get vacuum its because the vanes are stuck in the drum. if you can spin the drum and hear the noise dump in a oz of oil and you will feel vacuum after a few spins without the belt on the pully. If the vanes are stuck and are metal its easy to get them lose just dont knick up the vane pockets.