View Full Version : Vandalism Advice

03-16-2010, 10:21 AM
Good morning to all you NH sappers. I've been having a small problem concerning vandalism and I thought about asking your advice how you would handle this.

Last week after the wind storm, I walked my lines due to a small reduction in vac. During my tour I noticed a couple of small maples down. At closer inspection, I noticed they had been cut with a hand saw...no notch, just cut through. I thought "Kids", probably young boys right away. The back side of my property abuts a number of duplexes.

Today after the rain and 30 degree temp, I thought I'd give the vac a try. I had low vac and, once again in a different area, I saw 5 or 6 other 6 or 7 inchers down but, thank God, they were mostly black birch. Only this time I also saw where one of my lines had been cut with the saw, as well as one of my taps near by. I did the repairs and are up and running within a few minutes.

Now my question to you is, how would you handle this problem. I though I could do my own leg work and try to find who the young culprits or parents are and handle it myself. The other alternative is to involve the local PD which I'd prefer not to do but, I also want this to stop.

OK, jury, what's your verdict or suggestions. And, I thank you all for your input in advance.


PS Just took a walk to document the problem with my camera. Guess what I found!...............The saw!

03-16-2010, 10:38 AM
Put the saw back where you found it and watch for them to come back,
or, set up a remote wildlife camera with motion sensor.

They're hiding it in the woods so no one sees them carry it in....

03-16-2010, 10:45 AM
Thanks for the reply John. I didn't touch the saw. It's still there. Good idea about the game camera. Just wish I had one.

I'm trying to upload photos for you guys but I keep getting told the file is too big.

red maples
03-16-2010, 10:48 AM
I would say the same. I don't think I would leave the saw but trails cameras will get 'em if you put it a littel higher in the tree so it is out of direct sight. even if their not cutting trees at least they are tresspassing!!!!

03-16-2010, 11:01 AM
Put up posted signs. Trail cams are a good idea, but I've had a bunch of them stolen. Do you know any of the people in the duplexs? Might be time to make friends with the parents, cause I bet its their kids. Its scary how many parents are clueless about what their kids are doing. And the current crop of migrants moving up from the states south of us. Seem to think if its fields or woods, then you can do anything out there even if its not your land.
Try the good neighbor thing first, then use the cops if that doesn't work.

03-16-2010, 11:12 AM
NOOOO don't use a trail camera!!! or at least one that has a flash...It'll be gone the second it takes a pic of them in the dark... call the pd and have them come get the saw and check it for prints...most of the kids out there are on file from schools doing safety cards. once you k now who they were, call their parents and get them to send the kids over to cut your firewood..all your firewood for next seasons burning. I have done it several times for kids that go out in my hayfields tearing around in their cars..nothing says respect other peoples stuff like a few days bucking bales in 90 deg weather..just my .02

03-16-2010, 11:44 AM

03-16-2010, 11:55 AM
I think I would take the saw and show it around to the parents that live at the duplex. I am sure they will recognize it when they see ii since it probaly came from there tool shed or something. After the identify it then tell them were you found it and what it was being used for. I do like the idea of making them cut firewood for next year or make them pay restitution for the trees. say $500 for each should scare them enough to put a stop to any more vandalizime.

03-16-2010, 12:39 PM
That's a good way to do it.

03-16-2010, 01:01 PM
Thanks for all your good suggestions folks. I'm betting these perpetrators (2 minimum) are boys between 9 and 12 years old, give or take. Took a lot of effort with that dull hand saw.

I'm thinking of picking up the saw and leaving a note stating I have the saw and want to speak with them so I don't have to call their parents or the police. Then again, they may have forgotten all about the saw altogether so, I just keep an eye on the note's location to see if it has been moved for the next day or so. That should give me a bit more time to decide how I should handle it further and see if they "Man Up" for their mistakes. :cry:

I'm still interested in what others have to say and thanks.

03-16-2010, 01:17 PM
Just thought of one other thing. Where any of your schools closed yesterday due to weather? That could help narrow the search a bit.
Your probably right as to the ages.

Haynes Forest Products
03-16-2010, 02:12 PM
Reminds me of the farmer who kept getting his watermellons stolen so he put out a sign that said DANGER one of these mellons is poisoned and the next day he checked the sign and in its place the sign read Danger 2 of these mellons are poisoned:o

Im one to catch the little &^%&% but that can take all season and only result in more conflict. Now that you have the saw they will not spend money for another and maybe the game is over. Now if the saw was hidden for the next nights games your in for another ride because kids like to see results for there adventure. If they got tired of the game because you just fixed the damage and went on with your saping your good to just move on. Kids dont like to work to hard at things if they find its boring. Remember they know you and your in the dark about them. I like the idea of chaining it to a tree. I would maybe nail it to the first dead tree with about 30 nails and make them work for it. Now you could also put out some fliers on the duplexes asking if anyone is missing this saw please call you.

03-16-2010, 03:31 PM
If they are anything like my kids that saw does not mean much to them and they were probably to lazy to take it home. They really don't care about it enough to go get it. I would take the pictures of the damage along with the saw and go door to door right around diner time and find its owner then open up the can of whoop @(& on them. It is fustrating enough dealing with this awful season we are having without someone causing more of it.

03-16-2010, 03:56 PM
I would try to solve problem without police. If you can figure out why trees were cut down it may help. Is someone trying to make a fort out there ? seems kinda strange to just cut trees down for vandalisim. Did they pull out all of your lines? If you can catch them maby you can turn it into a lesson for them and involve them in your sugaring. ...

sap retreiver
03-16-2010, 06:13 PM
The camera works, just expect it to be beat up if well chained and maybe some mud. Talking to parents is a good thing, preferably to get permmision to execute slave chopping and turn them onto sapping. It's funny how lost souls are easily directed into a life long habit. good luck just don't threaten them with out m+d's permision that get's expensive!

Woodland Acres
03-16-2010, 06:18 PM
Go to the duplexes and knock on the door and let them know whats up.Inform them you dont want to pursue this any further unless another tree gets hacked down. The local law agency would then be notified if it continues. Chances are someone might rat the culprits out or their parents will give them a good lecture. Hell I was a kid once too.

03-17-2010, 08:08 AM
First off I want to, once again, thank you all for your input. It helped in my decision.

I knew the school bus arrived around 2:30. About 1:30 I decided to pick up the saw and leave a note in it's place. The note stated that I have the saw and want to speak with them or I'd have to contact their parents or the police.

Well, within a half hour, I saw two boys coming through the woods behind the house. I welcomed them, introduced myself and learned who they were and where they lived. One was 13 and the other was around 11. I told them I appreciated them coming to see me. After a few minutes I asked them if they were the ones who cut down the trees, line and tap. They said yes, along with another boy, but didn't know the property belonged to me and they were sorry. I thanked them for their honesty and their apology.

After a minute or two of conversation, I asked them if they knew what the lines were for. Both had no idea so, I took them for a walk out to the sap house where the vac was running. I gave them the nickle tour, uncovered the pan and had them taste what was remaining in the syrup side. I don't think either one had ever visited a sugar house.

To make a long story short, as we left the building, I told them that what they did wasn't right but wasn't capital murder either. I suggested that they meet with the others involved, consider what they would be willing to do to repay me for my loss and meet with me in a couple of days with their decision.

I'll make sure that their parents know whats going on but, I'm letting the boys have a little rope, for now, to let them ponder this for themselves over a few days and see what happens.

I told them I have no problem with them using/playing on my property as long as they are respective and, do no damage to the land or trees.

As they headed up the woods road leading to their home after saying our good byes, The older one turned around to me and asked "can we play paint ball up there?" I answered by saying "I don't know, maybe, lets see how this part works out first". "OK", I heard him say as they rounded the corner out of site.

We'll see...............

maple flats
03-17-2010, 08:51 AM
It sounds like you are doing well in this case. I drive school bus and was a Scoutmaster for over 20 years and believe me, MOST kids are good. If given some attention by an adult they mold very nicely into productive responsible citizens. Do be sure their parents are aware that they are with you, (not necessarily that they vanadilized) The last thing you want is for a parent to ACCUSE you of any inappropriate behavior. Once the parents are aware, then you may have helpers for years to come and even some competition in the future. We all have room for competition because we can sell everything we make quite easily.

Haynes Forest Products
03-17-2010, 02:23 PM
I can think back to some of the stupid things I did as a kid and can tell you that my brother and I and a friend did a stupid thing and after working off the restitution we were better off for it and felt like we had a life long friend of the person we wronged. He never held it over our heads and was always welcoming towards us. Im glad to hear its in the PROCESS and you will soon find out who is " a good kid ":)

It to involved a buck saw and some trees that happened to be peeled and stuck in the ground.............I learned what a draw knife was and how to spend a Saturday using it:emb:

03-17-2010, 07:36 PM
Jim, give kids a chance and the good ones will shine. We were all kids once and did things that were questionable and giving them a break and helping them to the right answer will help them in the future. Great job. You have gained respect from them and that can go a long way.
PS I have high schoolers that come over and help every day, if there with me they arn't causing troble some where else and i'm just fine with there company. They may even learn to do the sugarmaking. One never knows.