View Full Version : Frost

03-16-2010, 06:45 AM
Frost is down about 12" in a picked corn field and 6 in standing. Wondering about the rest of the state.

I haven't tapped yet but everythings set out so I'm wandering around getting permission for new trees. Will try and take the day off on Thursday and get everything drilled. Hoping for a freeze Friday night. Some friends have already tapped and are getting some sap even with the warm nights. Go figure. All on gravity now but thinking about vacum for next year. Has it been positively proven that vac doesn't damage the trees?


Haynes Forest Products
03-16-2010, 08:56 AM
Woody Woody Woody who have you been listning to? I think that question was put to rest 30 years ago. Keep in mind the frost doesnt need to be out of the ground to tap the trees. The best years have been with frost in the ground and water in the hollows snow 2ft deep. Does the town you live in have a name? Or are you on the run ?

03-16-2010, 01:09 PM
I was just curious about the frost level in other parts of the state. I realize it doesn't have to be out in order for the sap to flow but I was just checking the frost depth for an elderly farmer who didn't want to slip around in the mud and who owns 57 acres of trees he gave me permission to tap. I'd probably shingle his house if he asked....

As far as vacum goes I was just asking since I don't know a whole lot about it but want to learn. However now that I think about it if it was bad for the trees there wouldn't be so many guys doing it. Duh on my part.....


TF Maple
03-16-2010, 06:15 PM
Frost is gone in East Central WI. except for the .1% of areas with some snow on the ground.

03-16-2010, 10:28 PM
Actually, here in my neck of the Wisconsin woods, there never was any frost in the woods or under snow or thick grass. Bare ground, however, is another story.