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03-15-2010, 03:55 PM
Take from this what you will here is my story.

Pans ordered 1/2 deposit May 09, Ok I know this guy is slow.
Start pestering in Nov, email say Dec delivery
Dec passes, new date Beginning of Jan then the end of Jan
Pans arrive last of Jan with no draw off valve.
Promises to mail following mon no valve arrives
Promises to ship Purolator 2 day no valve arrives
Finally the valve arrives hand delivered March 3rd well into season

I would not do bussiness with Mr Phaneuf again

Greg Morin
03-15-2010, 05:58 PM
He is slow but his craftsmanship is unbeatable

Fred Henderson
03-15-2010, 07:01 PM
Craftsmanship goes out the door when you are well into the season and you don't have all the parts.

03-15-2010, 07:22 PM
I think you guys in Vermont are within a reasonable distance to drive to his place. I think alot of the time he is done with a piece, but waits until he gets several in the same area before he delivers. Being in Ohio, I think I am just too far away to ever expect any real service if needed. I am impressed with the quality of my 2x6 that he made, though. I ordered mine last March and he delivered it beginning of December. Its a little troubling though that he needes total payment first before he builds. Around here if a contractor demands money up front then he is not recommended to do the work. Someone on here demanded a refund but couldn't get their money back until he sold the unit they were going to buy. I think if you are a serious business you need to have some cash reserves or credit to be able to deal with refunds and the like. As may have said, excellent bulider of evaporators, but needs someone to handle the other aspects of his business. With that being said, people seem to be flocking to him whether he provides good service or not. Its all in the excellent product that he makes at a low price.

Homestead Maple
03-15-2010, 08:58 PM
Not what I would call good or conscientious service.

03-15-2010, 09:00 PM
I have to agree with Fred. Even though the quality of the product is outstanding, prompt customer service and timely delivery is a priority in business. There are too many other guys out there making a living selling quality products (ie. Bill Mason) to have to put up with poor service. I guess I wonder why people put up with it. You start to get a bad reputation by providing poor service.

I've been looking into 2x6's for a couple of months now. Sure, I took a hard look at Patrick's products but after reading countless posts on delivery delays that extend darn close to 6 months after promised that I crossed him off of my list.

Of course, if I could get a used one from someone else... well, that's another story!

Wonder if he was a contractor in his previous life. :)

03-15-2010, 09:08 PM
What confuses me is the different business practices. I sent a 50 percent deposit and the rest was to be payed on delivery after I inspected it. I do however like most think his work is top notch. I looked at many new evaporators before I made the purchase and his definetly stand out above them.

03-15-2010, 09:19 PM
What I would like to know is just how many of his customers he actually ticks off. He must sell to some of the people here in Quebec also.

wanting to get into it
03-16-2010, 12:40 AM
I had the same problem with this guy. All of the false promises of delivery dates to the point I just could not handle it anymore:mad: I canceled my order with him. #1 don't lie to me, he knows when he is coming. If he told me from the start that it would be Nov or Dec then fine. Things would be different. Waiting 8 mos and being told every month within those 8 mos it would be here just got the best of me. Took me 4 mos to get my money back from him, and a lie every week of why it was taking so long. He quit responding to emails so I started calling once a week. All I heard him say then was he was honest. I am sorry, honest to me is following through with your promises. I would not recommend him to my worst enemy. I know some have had good luck, not me though. He has bad marks on his ebay account as well for the same issues. From what I can see he does do good work with little to no problems and a cheaper price. But in the end is it really worth it? Not to me anymore.

Fred Henderson
03-16-2010, 05:29 AM
He is only in his mid thirty's and in a conversation that I had with him the only other work he has ever do was HVAC duct work. It was SS and he said at that point he liked working with SS so he went into evap building. I think that orders from his home country take president over anyone else.Workmanship and good business pratices go hand in hand.

Greg Morin
03-16-2010, 06:21 AM
I would buy from him again but would order in April for the following season the work he does is amazing and by reading other threads around here he isnt the only company thet doesnt deliver on time.

I havent heard anyone complain about fit and finish of his products

03-16-2010, 09:38 PM
After reading the dozens of topics about Patricks delivery issues it amazes me how so many keep on hoping for different results. Kind of like moths to a flame over and over again.
I do hope everyone gets all there equipment on time.

03-16-2010, 09:44 PM
GMCOOPER, you are so correct. This guy needs to be cut off. All of these stories here, well, let just say, is exactly what happend to me as well. It was hiliarious reading what one guy said, "that he keeps saying that he is an honest man". The only people that I know that have to say that are honest are the ones who are always covering their tracks. All we can do is spread the word!

03-16-2010, 09:52 PM
What I would like to know is just how many of his customers he actually ticks off. He must sell to some of the people here in Quebec also.

When he delivered mine he told me he hates to sell to Quebecois. He's been ripped off by them too often. He much prefers Americans or Ontarians.

and I don't think there is anyone I've talked to that he hasn't ticked off. It seems so easy, just treat your customers like you would like to be treated yourself. You reading this Patrick. You never ansered my last 2 emails.

03-16-2010, 10:01 PM
Ripped off or did he tick them off and they took their business elsewhere. I would love to go up and see his shop and see just what goes on in there.

03-16-2010, 10:04 PM
If I recall correctly, he said he got beat for $32,000. on one deal. He likely ticked them off too.

03-16-2010, 10:11 PM
Just to contrast the public relations thing, at about 8:00 tonight I sent an email to Marcland telling them that the digital (Misco) refractometer that I got a year ago was dead when I took it out of the drawer this season. Got an email back an hour later with instructions to post it to them, they'd get it serviced and send it back to me.

Wow !

03-17-2010, 12:45 PM
Someone mentioned WFMason.
Well I've dealt with him. I'd never deal with Patrick after reading this.
Bill will talk to you over the phone or email, is up front with delivery times and doesn't take your money till you have a product. And knows that hiring an employee helps with lead time. On top of that he makes a great product for a good price.

03-17-2010, 09:19 PM
I don't think you will have any problems with Bill(WF Mason). Never heard one single complaint about him in many years.

I don't have any complaints on Leader either. They may be a little more $$$, but I have dealt with them for 8 years and their customer service has always been second to none and that comes from someone that has worked in customer service and also managed in customer service for 17 years. Sometimes, you get what you pay for.

03-19-2010, 08:01 AM
what is there a differance with his pro models vs. deluxe models? are the pans the same?, is the deluxe models arch ss ? received a quote for a 2 x 6 / 8 from him the other day and it listed just the pro models for each and the extra price for ss sides and stack. thanks ed.

03-19-2010, 11:46 AM
pro model is galvanized arch and stack deluxe model is all stainless steel. Pans are the same.

03-19-2010, 04:13 PM
thanks 3rden.maple thats what i kinda figured. it's probably worth it to go with all ss. i think this upgrade will remain for awhile, hopefully:lol:

03-28-2010, 11:56 AM
does anyone know what he charges for like a 3x10 or 12 i sent him an email a while ago asking for an estimate and never got anything back

wanting to get into it
03-28-2010, 03:52 PM
Not sure what he charges. Although if you order one from him get used to not getting responses from him. Especially when you ask where your evaporator is.:lol: