View Full Version : Vacuum Booster/ Vac. Transfer tank.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-17-2005, 06:56 PM
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03-17-2005, 07:27 PM
Well said, great info thanks Kev....
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-17-2005, 09:09 PM
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03-18-2005, 03:16 AM
When building a booster in the woods it is VERY important to let the glue set up befor you impatiantly jam all the lines <<2 of wich are running large quantites of sap>> on it,,,,,,I will have to build another,,I have 3 big time leaks,,sap dripping out,,on the one I built yesterday,,,,
Thanks for the help Kevin, I learned a lot,,their is no subsatitution for seeing it done by someone who has done it befor.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
05-27-2005, 10:50 PM
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Haynes Forest Products
04-25-2008, 05:55 PM
I glue alot of PVC and ABS when your doing plumbing in a house the inspecter wants to see the purple primer on the white PVC so we us it. When it comes to doing sprinklers,potato cannons,or nice water proof tubes for your guns we dont care about inspectors. We use the Hot Blue Glue that stuff you can use on wet pipe without primer. Make sure that you take a knife and clean any burs that you get from cutting the pipe. There is a glue that is called heavey body grey that stuff you could patch the Titanic.
04-27-2008, 08:49 AM
Do you know who makes Hot Blue Glue? It sounds like handy stuff for sugaring.
Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2008, 09:30 AM
The really good stuff is called Red Hot Blue Glue its made by Christ's. They also make the BIG GREY and that is listed as Heavey Duty PVC pipe Cement
whats nice about this glue I dont use that **** primer that I dont care how you put the cap back on its going to leak. I never buy the big cans when they tip you spill alot so I have small cans so I dont make such a mess. The Govornor had mentioned that oil on the PVC can lead to leaks well when your doing sprinkler systems your in the mud the blood and the water. After each cut you make on PVC you end up twisting the end in your hand to get all the loose chips and burs off the pipe so its hard to keep the hand oils off. My biggest worry when gluing is not to get chunks of dirt on the fitting the size of small house cats. But seriously RED HOT BLUE is the way to go. Try this test on a scrap piece put some glue on it and let sit for 5 min and then take a knife and dig into the PVC and you will see that what ever was on the surface is history and that you have good penetration into the pipe or fitting
Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2008, 09:38 AM
I failed to mention that Home Depot,Lowes and any good plumbing supply. When you start buying your PVC fittings DONT buy your run of the mill waste and drain get the heavey duty fittings they are thicker and the slip fitting is deeper. They will stand alot more abuse and side load. Plumbing in a house by code have alot of support and once in place it is well supported. Now a sprinkler system or septic systems are thrown in the ground and back filled so the have to stand alot of stress so go with the good stuff.
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