View Full Version : 2010 Bulk prices?
We need the annual thread.
Has anyone got the new prices yet?
Not that I have any syrup.
Homestead Maple
03-15-2010, 12:10 PM
Bascom's prices last Wednesday:
Light $2.70
Med. $2.60
Dark $2.50
I didn't get the rest and Liz Bascom said the prices may be going lower soon.
Interesting to have Bascoms say its going down with how bad the season has been. Its always speculation at this point on how Canada is going to make out.
Russell Lampron
03-15-2010, 12:36 PM
Bill are those the prices that Bascom's is selling it for? If it is add $20 to the price if you buy it in a 5 gallon container.
03-15-2010, 04:34 PM
Quebec really hasn't started yet. Atleast where they make most of the syrup up there anyway. It will be most likely more than a month before we know what is going on up there with production.
03-15-2010, 07:07 PM
So far I am at almost 50% of last year. I only need another week of good weather to beat that. I would say that anybody that was tapped is pulling in the syrup untill yesterday and today. Supposed to be frost for two nights this week and then cold next week. Time will tell. Up towards Quebec they got beaucoup snow so they will thaw out slower. I would like to actually see snow during sugar season like the old timers keep talking about.
03-15-2010, 07:43 PM
So far I am at almost 50% of last year. I only need another week of good weather to beat that. I would say that anybody that was tapped is pulling in the syrup untill yesterday and today. Supposed to be frost for two nights this week and then cold next week. Time will tell. Up towards Quebec they got beaucoup snow so they will thaw out slower. I would like to actually see snow during sugar season like the old times keep talking about.
DITTO that - I love snow during sugaring. My favorite way to get up to the trees is by snowmobile. It's just the frozen lines that drive me crazy. Kind of hard to have one without the other;)
Haynes Forest Products
03-15-2010, 08:04 PM
The season in Sturgeon Bay is poor due to the lack of Frost in the ground and snow on the ground to help it freeze at night. So next year will be better we hope.
Homestead Maple
03-15-2010, 08:53 PM
Bill are those the prices that Bascom's is selling it for? If it is add $20 to the price if you buy it in a 5 gallon container.
Hi Russ,
Those are the prices per pound, that Bascom was paying a week or so a go for syrup. I should have clarified it. Your right that they sell it for far more. I don't really know how the season is going for people on vacuum systems but I do know that people using buckets or just gravity on tubing aren't doing so well. Bruce Bascom called me last Wednesday and ordered some more Association containers, saying to me that "there's a lot of syrup being made out there". But you know Bruce, he doesn't elaborate much. He buys from so many people that someone must be making some syrup, as he said the price per pound he's buying syrup for may be going down. I emphasize the "maybe". I've talked to a few people north of me and they are saying it's an ok season for them so far. Did you read the article in the Union Leader today about the Association tapping ceremony held at Howard Pearl's? Howard is quoted as saying that they have made a 1,000 gallons so far this year and last year he made 1,075, so a few more cold nights and he'll make more than last year and he feels that he will. I have to keep reminding myself it's only the middle of March and a year ago I was just getting started at this time.
Russell Lampron
03-16-2010, 05:28 AM
Bill I didn't read the Union Leader article but do know that Howard bought 2 new liquid ring pumps this year to help him get more sap. His neighbor Jim Brown also bought a liquid ring pump and has redone the tubing in his woods so that he could improve on the 400 gallons of syrup that he made last year form 5000 taps. As of last weekend he has made 1100 gallons and was boiling Sunday.
The people with gravity tubing and buckets aren't doing anything this season and there are alot of people without vacuum out there. This is my 6th season with vacuum and I was a firm believer the very first season. So far I have collected 7000 gallons from 600 taps with about 400 more to pump up this morning and I have collected 305 gallons from my 88 buckets.
03-16-2010, 06:11 PM
The people with gravity tubing and buckets aren't doing anything this season and there are alot of people without vacuum out there.
i'm going to refute that in my case. i'm just below my 30 year average for season production of 17 gallons, at approximately 15 gallons. 100% gravity-fed tubing, and 4 buckets. slightly fewer taps this year (lost a few trees), but more or less 220 taps, all on north aspect slopes. and the sap is still running. i've got at least 100 gallons left to boil, and the new london line was running late today. so, when all is said and done, i'll be at or above my yearly average.
Homestead Maple
03-16-2010, 06:51 PM
Bill I didn't read the Union Leader article but do know that Howard bought 2 new liquid ring pumps this year to help him get more sap. His neighbor Jim Brown also bought a liquid ring pump and has redone the tubing in his woods so that he could improve on the 400 gallons of syrup that he made last year form 5000 taps. As of last weekend he has made 1100 gallons and was boiling Sunday.
The people with gravity tubing and buckets aren't doing anything this season and there are alot of people without vacuum out there. This is my 6th season with vacuum and I was a firm believer the very first season. So far I have collected 7000 gallons from 600 taps with about 400 more to pump up this morning and I have collected 305 gallons from my 88 buckets.
Russ, I talked with Maggie Brox today and she said that she has made more syrup this year than last year and she considered last year a very good year. She has made more light amber than she says she needs, so she took some to Bascoms and got $2.60 a pound for it. So, I guess Bruce foresees a good crop and is starting to lower his prices.
03-16-2010, 07:20 PM
went to bascoms, today.bought some barrels of and lite were both $3.05lb
03-16-2010, 10:53 PM
My gravity tubing seems to be running good this year. I am at 65% of a full crop at 80 gallons, (almost all fancy) and the big vacuum guys up in Lancaster are at 50%.
This next week does look bleak though with no freezes.
Russell Lampron
03-17-2010, 05:26 AM
My neighbor at the end of the road hasn't had anything to boil since Sunday. He is all gravity tubing. He was pretty jealous last night when he came down to see my set up in operation. I have been getting about 400 gallons a day from my 600 taps, mostly reds on vacuum. I haven't gotten 350 gallons for the season yet from my 88 buckets and those are all sugars. Other producers in the area are saying the same thing. Without vacuum they aren't getting much.
There are exceptions to the rule with micro climates and such and I do agree that there are some gravity guys that are doing well. There are some vacuum guys that are doing poorly as well but not in my area. At the end of the season, and it's not here yet, we will see how it all works out.
03-17-2010, 05:56 AM
Does anyone know prices from Maple Grove or Butternut Mt?
03-19-2010, 07:22 AM
There are exceptions to the rule with micro climates and such and I do agree that there are some gravity guys that are doing well. There are some vacuum guys that are doing poorly as well but not in my area. At the end of the season, and it's not here yet, we will see how it all works out.
agree, russ.
and on that note, my "gravity" season appears to be finished, right at my average yearly production. no run at all in the last two days, even with temps @ 30* both nights and a frost. most of the holding tanks were full of flies and moths. the flies appear to be the "face bugs" that showed up about 10-12 years ago and haven't disappeared since.
all in all, a good season for me.
03-20-2010, 07:08 PM
I finally found a guy today who used to sugar around here and knows most people around and he was saying that everybody was haveing a good year. Most of the guys are putting syrup in barrels now which turns out to mean its going darker and they aren't going to use it for the retail market. Up here if it's not light they consider it poor syrup. I checked out the big sugar bush down the road and the vacuum is humming away still and it hasn't froze since tuesday here.
Russell Lampron
03-21-2010, 05:32 AM
Wally I'm glad that you had a good season. My vacuum pump is still pulling in sap so I'm not done yet. My syrup total is creeping up and I don't have to far to go to catch last seasons record total. One more good week and I am there.
I was talking to a local producer that has buckets and gravity tubing. He has produced 100 gallons less than last year so far. "I'm getting vacuum for next year" were some of the first words out of his mouth.
I heard that Bascom's raised the price that they are paying for mersh by .20lb last week. He's now paying $2.45lb for filtered mersh.
maple flats
03-21-2010, 07:41 AM
I tend to think Bruce might be using a good buying strategy. By telling people the price MIGHT be going down, some will haul any they planned to sell later and get the price before it drops. As I see it over 2/3 of those reporting are way down and this includes the vacuum guys. Vac is just down less. If the reports on here are even close in trend the industry as a whole will be down even if Quebec has a near record crop again. If they set a new record by a good% this may not be however. My thinking is that the industry has grown a worldwide market and had no reserve, we must have the crop or prices will rise again. As widespread as I am hearing this poor crop I truly see prices for bulk going higher than ever before. Watch that old record be shattered from 2008. Now, too bad I won't have any except maybe some B or lower for sale. I plan to make any I can until the buds open. This will be a true test for the CV's on gravity.
03-21-2010, 12:11 PM
I don't really see prices spiking like 2008 did. Quebec still has a lot of time to make syrup and much of what they make goes to bulk market here. We lost some market for sure with the past record prices and the economy just doesn't appear strong enough to support another record price. Bulk may creep up some but I do not see a big jump coming. Quebec is not sold out from last year as far as I have heard. If the bigger bulk producing areas like northern VT and northern ME have a good season local bulk will not go up much. I do think there will be more bulk sold earlier than some years as many need to sell to pay bills and that might cause a brief drop in bulk that Bruce may be predicting.
Just my thoughts
03-21-2010, 02:33 PM
Quebec has something like 3 million somethings in storage with Citadelle or what ever its spelling is and theres lots floating around in little places also from last year. They had maple sort of on sale come the start of the season to flog it but the prices were still rather high for most of it. With this cold weather it should extend the season even down south here a bit for most guys depending how much they can still make on their quotas for the bulk market or if its clear that they can keep for their retail markets close buy.
03-21-2010, 06:57 PM
Hi Dave, Don Finen from High School. Your post is where I'm coming from. But most of my sales are retail, but I'm not betting on a drop in bulk. Of course our local buyers are doing the doom and gloom. I hear Dave Defreeze is in contact with you. Don
03-26-2010, 07:39 PM
I went today in school with the immigrant students to a Cabana de Sucre and was totally amazed. First they have 2600 taps there and theres probbably a half million trees there not tapped and probbably never will be tapped they say. Next they are not makeing syrup anymore this season. But whats weird is theres not a bud on any of the trees that are tapped and they have stopped. So if they have filled their quota already and the trees havent started to bud yet there must have been a pile of syrup made up here this year already. These are also the ugliest trees I have ever seen in my life but the lines are all full and frozen solid and there is a pile of ice on the ground at the end of the lines where they unhooked from the vacuum shack.
03-27-2010, 06:12 AM
With it being a school and not interested in tapping all the excess trees, I would guess they try to make so much in a year and after that, they quit. They are obviously not in it for the money or to make a lot of syrup, if so they would have added a lot more taps and gotten a much higher quota as they have raised quotas the last couple of years.
03-27-2010, 07:18 AM
The Cabana de Sucre it not a school it's a working sugar bush. Just seems weird they stop so soon. They have a 6 x 20 evaporator and don't use RO. or a preheater of anykind. Also I didn't like the taste of the syrup they sell. Had a bitter taste.
maple flats
03-27-2010, 07:28 AM
Yes Findandy, Dave called me last night. My total so far this season is a disaster, around 15 gal counting what is still in the pans to be finished on 575 taps all garvity. That is changing as in another post I stated my plans to add Vacuum in one bush, go from 400 to about 550 taps there, and to add another 200+/- roadside on property owned by another farmer who has asked me if I waould like to tap. It is less tan a mile or 2 from my biggest bush. I have not seen the trees but I know the area and there are loads of mature sugars lining the roads for a few miles and none are being tapped now.
I understand you would like to get some info on my high pressure blower set up that Dave helped me with, I will look up the link and add it to this post shortly in case you haven't found it yet. It works great. Link:
maple flats
03-27-2010, 07:33 AM
I'm still sticking with my bulk price prediction. I hear way too many producers with very low crop and this will have an impact as it all works thru the supply chain.
Fox had a news story on last night that new england syrup production was running 50% of normal.
red maples
03-28-2010, 08:09 AM
there was a little piece on the weather channel the other day about maine's syrup amount is very low as well.
And a friend that know some folks in ny state that normally have 1000-1200 gallons of syrup by now only have 450 gallons. And they are all buckets!!! and thats alot of buckets don't know the exact amount.
04-01-2010, 12:58 PM
Any new insight on bulk prices? Especially Commercial?
04-01-2010, 05:48 PM
I heard one hour ago that Roth is buying starting Monday. 2.60 lb./ All grade A
2.25 for Commercial. Don't know if that official, but a neighbor that called them told me this.
04-01-2010, 05:56 PM
Yesterday Bascoms were paying $2.25 for commercial and $2.00 for unfiltered commercial.
Any word yet on how the big Canadian bush's did?
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-03-2010, 11:45 AM
The rumor mill so far seems to be mixed. I do know that the entire St. Lawrence valley all the way to the gulf of St Lawrence is getting this heat wave. But.....their taps have not been in as long and they are a few degrees cooler than we are. If it cools a bit in the next couple of weeks, there will be more syrup made. I also know that there was a lot of syrup made off the end of this last hard freeze...witness 802's results documented under little sap warning. Only a few good days can make or break a season.
There, I beat around the bush and told you exactly nothing:rolleyes:
Are you a politician? I have people wanting to buy bulk but I am waiting to see what happens with the price.
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-03-2010, 01:09 PM
Hell No! I couldn't be a politician. Just look at the post, I see to many variables and no easy answer. If I was a politician, I'd just tell everyone there was a simple answer for everything (and of course that answer would be what my particular party espouses at the moment, guided carefully by the latest poll numbers conducted by pollsters asking "do you still beat your wife?" questions.
04-03-2010, 01:10 PM
I just heard from my dealer who is buying April 10th. Light and Med. $2.65 # 2.60# a dark 2.45# B 2.25 # C 2.00# unfiltered, ropey. I live in N Central PA.
04-03-2010, 02:38 PM
I checked out the huge guy down the road today and he has the vacuum shut down there and is finished also. Theres is two smaller guys close by and they are done also. They only tap like 10,000 a piece. The trees have no buds yet that I can see.
Did they hint how they did?
04-03-2010, 05:15 PM
Rumor has it that the big producers of maple in Quebec are still going and have made just over 2lbs per tap which are good numbers for them. My woods because of my elevation usually run about a week less then they do up there. This has been my experience over the years. If the weather were to cool like it might I believe I could go easily another week as the buds haven't popped here yet, if it doesn't then I will be done and they will be soon to follow.
04-04-2010, 01:00 AM
Did they hint how they did?
If I ever make it to Lodge I will know the what for. IT was so hot today here it wasn't funny.
04-06-2010, 10:47 PM
There was a report from the Federation today in the paper. Basically the seasons over after record temps last week and the trees stoped dripping. So far they say the crop was less then last year but still really good. Something like 85 million pounds produced and a average of 2.85 pounds per tree which is good.
Producers also report that they made 80% of the crop in the first week of the season as it started with a bang. Some say the color wasn't as pale as they wanted and was all over the board.
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-07-2010, 10:36 AM
If the 85 million is accurate, it is bullish for prices. Last year, Quebec produced about 109 million lbs...That would be a 25% decrease in production.
04-07-2010, 11:25 AM
i,ve been involved in sugaring my whole life (43 years) and this one has me lost it has to be the weirdest season ever.we tapped in feb and made syrup in feb thats only the second time in all the years my dad has tapped (he,s 73)
we made alot of syrup in the first week but,alot of the producers around here hadn,t even tapped yet
i hear some guys did great and some just wasted there time this year (20 percent of a normal crop) i guess we,ll just have to wait and see how it turns should be intresting.
red maples
04-07-2010, 11:35 AM
i,ve been involved in sugaring my whole life (43 years) and this one has me lost it has to be the weirdest season ever.we tapped in feb and made syrup in feb thats only the second time in all the years my dad has tapped (he,s 73)
we made alot of syrup in the first week but,alot of the producers around here hadn,t even tapped yet
i hear some guys did great and some just wasted there time this year (20 percent of a normal crop) i guess we,ll just have to wait and see how it turns should be intresting.
I just posted a thread about weather in the sugar inn.
but yeah strange year to say the least.
just waiting to see what the prices will be when all the numbers are in !!!!
04-07-2010, 12:33 PM
How much of Quebec's inventory got eat up over last year?
I know my neighbour bought some barrels from Atkinson's all ready.
04-07-2010, 07:02 PM
If the 85 million is accurate, it is bullish for prices. Last year, Quebec produced about 109 million lbs...That would be a 25% decrease in production.
Yes but way more then they made in 2007 and 2008 by a long ways. And this is just the first statement from the president of the federation. There could be lots of syrup in the wood work still to be bought out and counted. They feel its a good crop considering the weather.
04-08-2010, 05:12 AM
Bascombs from 2 day's ago=
F, A med-2.65
Dk- 2.60
Anyone happen to know if Maple Grove or Butternut Mt has anything different?
04-08-2010, 05:26 AM
maple grove and butternut are at the same prices. after they pay there dealers the prices are the same as the federation minimum prices.
04-08-2010, 07:08 AM
It seems that Quebec made about 2.2 lbs of syrup per tap which is about a average season for them. Most packers that I have talked to in the last week have a supply from last years syrup on hand that will carry them through the summer. I was told that most likely the prices would be fairly stable at where they are now.
farmall h
04-08-2010, 08:43 PM
wdchuck, calling tomorrow @ Maple Grove, spoke with Michelle in Human Resources today..she is giving me prices when I call. Will be taking 6-30 gal. drums down on Monday. 1 @ Med A, 3 @ Dark A and maybe 2 @ B grade. Will post results Monday night. They receive syrup Mon- Thur. 5am-3 pm (at least that is their work hours).
04-08-2010, 08:46 PM
Bascom's on 3-22 was
LtA and MedA 2.60
DkA 2.55
B 2.50
Comm. 2.25
So they have move around alittle
04-09-2010, 06:02 PM
I thought Maple Grove was no longer buying American syrup.
04-14-2010, 08:10 AM
I have been given prices from 1.85 for (c) up to 2.25 (C).Any other prices been specked out yet?Personally I think prices are still $.50 to low.
farmall h
04-14-2010, 07:07 PM
Delivered to Maple Grove today. 2.65# F/MA 2.60#DA 2.55#B 2.35C
add .05# if you deliver. And yes they buy American syrup. Took in 180 gallons.
maple flats
04-14-2010, 07:12 PM
That means the price is just starting to climb. Hold on, they will get much better, IMHO
farmall h
04-14-2010, 08:09 PM
Maybe, but I doubt that is likely.:-|
04-14-2010, 08:18 PM
Talked to a couple of bigger producers one from futher north and there words were so so. The season started to fast then got to warm in March and then ended to fast. They made enough but wasn't anything to write home about and bragg. They were makeing dark way to early and up here light rules and dark barely pays the bills.
farmall h
04-14-2010, 08:26 PM
Season has been over for couple weeks now. Can't imagine too many people are holding onto their bulk this long.
220 maple
04-14-2010, 09:03 PM
farmall h
We always hold our syrup until the syrup lords at Bascom's and Butternut Mountain set the price.
Mark 220 Maple
farmall h
04-14-2010, 09:08 PM
220, Do you take your syrup directly to Bascoms..they must have buyers in your area? Otherwise it would be a long trip. My trip to Maple Grove is 20 minutes.
220 maple
04-14-2010, 10:08 PM
farmall h
I sell to local buyers, they won't make and offer until the price is set. They don't want to over pay because they can find syrup up north. That is why they wait until the price is set. I believe there is a shortage in our area this year, which one would think would drive the prices up, but since our buyers can find syrup in NY, VT, or Maine that hold our price down for bulk syrup.
Mark 220 Maple
04-14-2010, 10:29 PM
Bob, did Maple Grove say anything about discounting even below the commercial price for off/buddy flavors? Sounds like Bascom is. I thought the definition of mersh was dark and off flavor! Was the last couple years. Now I'm wondering how much Bruce will really give me for mine.
04-14-2010, 10:38 PM
I talked to a smaller producer last week - the guy had 20 gallons of ropey syrup he took to Roth's. He told me they first rejected it, but then offered him .50/lb.
I asked him what they did with it and he stated that he thought they pumped it right in with the rest and into the commercial vat. Pretty profitable.
04-15-2010, 06:31 AM
I asked him what they did with it (ropey syrup) and he stated that he thought they pumped it right in with the rest and into the commercial vat. Pretty profitable.
More likely it is made into sugar, which requires considerably more processing.
04-15-2010, 07:10 AM
Don't count on that as I have said before, being a former insider, I have seen it make its way to the canning vat in small amounts at a time.
More likely it is made into sugar, which requires considerably more processing.
red maples
04-15-2010, 08:00 AM
I can see that happening if you get some of the stuff they sell in the big box stores and the cheaper stuff you can find. it really doesn't taste that good. and as long as your only adding a little the taste will be very, very dialuted and sold at a premium!!! excellent profit!!!
NH Maplemaker
04-15-2010, 08:35 AM
I have always felt that fact allown is the best argument for buying local were you can see how and were your syrup is made ! Rather than from a box store were the syrup you buy may be a mix of syrup from who knows how maney producer and from who knows were, and what the conditions it was made in !! Jim L.
red maples
04-15-2010, 10:46 AM
I totally agree with you!!!
04-15-2010, 02:31 PM
But then again without these packers and big box stores some of you guys wouldn't be in business or if you were you most likely would be getting less than 20 dollars a gallon retail most likely. Lets not forget they are the ones doing most of the marketing for our syrup.
Haynes Forest Products
04-15-2010, 03:15 PM
Im with 802Maple if it wasnt for the the evil wholesaler I wouldnt be able to stay in this hobby. My understanding is if your going to make sugar for candys and the such ropy syrup wont work very well and the off taste will ruin it. I also believe that there are differant degrees of ropy. What someone buys and rejects could be up to interpetation at the time of sale.
Now if you took nice light RO syrup and added "SOME" ropy syrup in small quantities could you tell....................NO REALLY could YOU tell? Lets say 1/2 gallon per 50 gallons of light:rolleyes: I cant believe that anyone that buys wholesale would Want ropy syrup unless they were helping out a small producer. Maybe they sell it for bear bait:o
04-15-2010, 04:43 PM
I used to get over your way alot when I was young, and still had time to kill fish. Bailey's Harbor, etc. Trout,salmon, perch---it was a blast.
Regarding whether or not the "C" would impact LA at a 1/100 ratio. I'll say yes, it could. The old adage"Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone" is applicable.
red maples
04-15-2010, 04:47 PM
good point...I am not saying its bad to mix. syrup is syrup as long as it is the the right density right. and the big food companies that buy the commercial and the companies that mix a little bad with alot of good to mask it. it happens everyday with just about everything you buy. otherwise its wasted money and/or product. And no your wouldn't be able to taste it. compared side by side or a blind test I might be able to tell the difference. and probably alot of you can too. but put it by itself with nothing to compare it to and no-one ever knows. If you mixed C with LA you should be drawn and quarted anyway and it probably would go to medium anyway at that point.
04-15-2010, 05:10 PM
You can taste blindfolded, side by side or even all by itself.
farmall h
04-15-2010, 05:20 PM
Sapman, I usually have shut down if I start making off-flavored syrup "mersh" as you called it. As far as mixing C with LA...seems like an act of desperation. When Maple Grove or whomever buys your bulk..they will and do test each drum. Can they tell the difference? Maybe. Would I do it and ruin my reputation as a quality producer? No. I do know for a fact that the syrup receiver does do a taste test. He tasted mine. I bet he has quite the refined palette.:) I definately wouldn't do it and sell privately...maybe the C you mixed into the LA had an off you have yuk. Send it as bulk.
red maples
04-15-2010, 06:28 PM
I have to agree with farmhall their too. I guess it comes down to ethics but yeah folks like my syrup and I couldn't mix and feel good about it. If people taste a syrup what ever grade and like it then buy one and it get it home and it tastes funky they probably won't buy your syrup anymore.
04-15-2010, 06:58 PM
Some people couldn't taste the bad in bad syrup if it had a turd in it. Ever notice how many samples are submitted to contests and are disqualified due to off flavors?
On the other hand, some people could tell where the sand came from that made the jar that the syrup is in.
If your selling to a bulk buyer -caveat emptor. If your putting your label on it, why settle for anything less than the best?
04-15-2010, 07:47 PM
[QUOTE=Squaredea Ever notice how many samples are submitted to contests and are disqualified due to off flavors?
I remember an off-flavor seminar held at Bascom's a couple years ago. Can't remember the gentleman's name who conducted it. He works in research in NH or ME, I think. He had a good sense of humor. He had a bunch of off-flavor stuff from some contests he was involved with, like 10 samples or something. He pointed out that, these must have been these producers best syrup! And they were disqualified!
I admit, some of the flavors weren't particularly offensive to me, but others picked them out.
04-15-2010, 07:57 PM
ever gone from one sugar house to the next and had syrup with different taste? I have, just another question to put out there.
Any syrup that has a motabolism taste to me goes in the don't sell container. I will make candy out of it or use it to make a base for bbq sause. most of the off falvor goes away. even some burnt taste will. Just my 2 cents.
220 maple
04-15-2010, 08:36 PM
I usually make a barrel of grade c every season. My grade c is so buddy I believe the trees would be embarassed. I asked the buyer what in the world it could be used for. The answer I got was that it goes north and it is used as the 2 percent real maple that is sold with 98 percent corn syrup. I'm sure everyone has seen them in the grocery stores. on every jug or bottle it's clearly said it has 2 percent real maple. 98 percent trumps 2 percent rot gut.
Mark 220 Maple
Haynes Forest Products
04-15-2010, 09:36 PM
I can honestly say that I have never made ropey syrup. I can also say that I have never taped a complete season. I have always taped on the 15th of march because I dont live in the same time zone of the trees I tap so I miss the first 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks. I wonder why someone would keep cooking bad sap and drawing off ropy syrup?
04-15-2010, 09:57 PM
You serious Haynes? They make it so they can keep making money. As long as someone is buying crap syrup somebody is gonna make it.
Haynes Forest Products
04-15-2010, 10:16 PM
So what does Bascoms do with it. What makes it so ropy and can it be filterd out
Russell Lampron
04-16-2010, 05:29 AM
Bascom's makes alot of granular sugar and ships it all over the world. They also make maple flavoring for bakeries and such. The dark colored and bad tasting stuff all gets used somewhere.
Ropey syrup is caused by bacteria growth in the late season sap. When I boiled out my evaporator the stuff in the front pan made some great tasting dark amber and was not ropey. The stuff in the flue pan had turned into almost jelly just sitting overnight. I turned that into 5 gallons of ropey syrup. It is certainly going to be worth more than the $12 worth of propane that it took to make it.
04-16-2010, 06:15 AM
Haynes, my last boil produced 2 drums of ropey syrup, which sold for a little over $2700 maybe if I had your money I would have dumped the sap, but when you have mine, its worth the 5 hours and a little wood to boil, after all everything is all ready dirty
220 maple
04-16-2010, 06:25 AM
Last year I recieved 2.50 a pound for my buddy syrup. I was paid 1500 dollars, I'm sure 27 dollars a gallon is not enough for most people on this site. I rarely take the cash, I back my truck up to Henry's warehouse and load up. I have expanded my camp every year off of unedible syrup. Tubing, spiles, mainline, jugs thats why. I'm sure others do the same. If I was a true hobby syrupmaker I would not mess with the stuff either.
Mark 220 Maple
04-16-2010, 06:33 AM
Does anyone know if Rutley maple is buying syrup this year?If so how much is he paying and do you have a contact phone number?
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-16-2010, 06:44 AM
My understanding was that Charlie wasn't going to be buying this year. I could be wrong....
red maples
04-16-2010, 07:21 AM
I didn't get any ropey stuff just a slight off flavor for what ever reason.
Haynes Forest Products
04-16-2010, 08:00 AM
VTMM Dont get me wrong Im not condeming anyone for making or selling ropy syrup. As far as money I have a 24, 9 and a 6 yearold Ill never have any money:cry: Im only commenting on what is being posted in this thread about what people do with it. I read that some producers grade their syrup every day and others like me put it in bulk barrels and mix it together. Im sure that I have mixed Great tasting lite syrup with not so good B grade.
Sounded like people were happy they sold ROPY syrup but thought it was underhanded what the "BIG BOX PRODUCERS" were doing with it. I dont care what people do with their syrup I really dont. If a guy THINKS he has made the best tasting syrup in the world and his family thinks he's god thats good. I will admit that I have made bad tasting syrup not by choice but by old poorly designed equipment and not knowing any better and me being stupid! I still got rid of friends:lol:
04-16-2010, 02:20 PM
I heard he decided to buy after all and was checking if it could be verified.Any help would be good thanks.
04-16-2010, 04:24 PM
haynes, the way i see it is if they are going to buy it i will make it. IF i can make money on it. if it costs too much i wont. this year i could have emptyed my front pan under denisty and sold it for 2 bucks a pound. there is a market for it. and i did not see it until i dumped the front pan down the is all by the pound
04-16-2010, 05:18 PM
Don't take me wrong on this either, if you can get money for this and you are making a buck then I guess go for it.
My thoughts though are you see sugarmakers bragging about making mersh and selling to packers and in the next breath they are complaining about the bad syrup that they are putting on the market.
You just can't have it both ways
04-16-2010, 07:24 PM
I have to say, I have never made any ropy or stringy syrup or had any problems keeping my sap in the pan. I normally go until the trees won't run any more and usually never make past "B".
I think my trees here are totally different than north of me. I know some of you think that is a stupid statement, but it has been in 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's for 6 straight weeks down here with almost no temps at all below 32 and my maple trees don't show any signs of budding out. Reds budded a long time ago, but the sugars don't even have swelled buds. I am amazed out how fast the trees bud out up north.
Our temps this spring have been insanely warm. It stayed cold until March 7th with hardly any days above freezing and in 2 days, it was 60+ degrees and it hasn't looked back. Went from the worst winter on record with 150+ inches of snow in 2.5 months to warmest spring on record and setting or coming close to setting record temps several days. I have never seen it this warm this time of year, but sugars look like it is the dead of winter. Same thing every year, they bud out later than about anything else and weeks later than up north. Maybe this is why I don't see off flavor, metabolic, stringy or ropy syrup.
I heard Rutley was only going to buy syrup from people that he has bought from in the past. But I also called and left a message to see if he wanted to buy some syrup(I have sold syrup to Charlie in the past) and have yet to receive a call back, so it doesn't seem like he is too eager to buy syrup!
red maples
04-17-2010, 07:35 AM
wow this thing is still going!
bottom line is ...If you got something, someone will buy it and find a use for it. so 802 is right if you have commercial grade and it can sell and make some money on it then go for it. there is a market for it where ever it ends up who knows!!!
farmall h
04-17-2010, 08:56 AM
WVM, I'm with you on your statement. My taps tend to stop producing so I don't have enough sap to even get that far. Usually what sap I would have in the tanks is soured. Never witnessed "ropey" syrup before.
04-17-2010, 12:18 PM
This thread will be going for about 10 months then the 2011 comes out.
Brian Ryther
04-17-2010, 01:06 PM
I sold two drums at Catskill Mountain Maple today. They were
2.65 LT and Med
2.55 Dark
2.50 B
2.25 C
2.00 Filtered and not filtered off flavor
04-17-2010, 08:14 PM
He is hard to get in touch with.Do you have his numbers?
Brian Ryther
04-18-2010, 06:33 AM
607 746 6215
04-22-2010, 08:21 AM
the northern new york maple co-op is taking in syrup on saturday, they expect to pay the same a s last year, $3 for light
maple flats
04-22-2010, 11:49 AM
WVM, my sugars popped leaves about 4-12 this year. That is the earliest I ever had. My Reds popped in early March this year. I didn't even tap those because the buds were swelling on the reds at tapping the first week in March.
04-22-2010, 08:38 PM
My sugars haven't even though about budding down here and it has been 60's and 70's nearly every day now for 6+ weeks. Guess that explains why my sugar content is lower but I would guess they hold their leaves much later in the fall as it doesn't usually frost here until up in October.
220 maple
04-22-2010, 10:22 PM
Most of the sugars in my location are open or nearly open. I went to Blue Grass Va. wed. the sugars there still look like it winter. Same thing in Somerset County I was at Henry's last Sat. Mourn. I have a few trees that are slow to bud.
Mark 220 Maple
04-23-2010, 10:38 PM
Does anyone think there is a relationship between early leaves (long growing season) and suger content?
maple flats
04-24-2010, 06:32 AM
I think it depends mostly on how sunny a year is rather than how early the leaves were open.
04-25-2010, 08:13 AM
So as this is a thread for bulk prices, has anyone any info on price changes as to date?
04-25-2010, 08:15 AM
i will know more soon.
red maples
04-25-2010, 09:54 AM
OK so I was in a specialty food store the other day (more of an upscale over priced rich people store) and they had dark and grade B and a grade that I never heard of "extra dark"? anyway they were more expensive then the light and medium.... OK what going on. is the demand for darker syrups that much to where stores are charging more for it?????
My grade B sales are 10X the lighter grades. I will not sell good tasting grade B as bulk.
04-25-2010, 02:03 PM
Red Maples:
Maine has extra dark. It is offically Maine Grade A Extra Dark. Think we have had it for 15 years or maybe a couple more. At least 50% of customers requesting a specific grade ask for Extra Dark. We have always sold it for same as all other grades. 20 years ago most everyone charged more for light and less for dark.
I'm not sure if any other states have grade a extra dark.
04-25-2010, 03:29 PM
On April 20, Bascom's quoted me the following bulk prices (ie. 30 gal. drum):
A-Med. - $3.10
A-Dark - $3.05
B - $3.00
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-25-2010, 03:37 PM
Is that buying from them or selling to them?
04-25-2010, 06:15 PM
I assume (hope!) that's their selling price. I sold some Friday, which is actually for Bascom's, and I got $2.65 for A med. It used to be a .30 spread, looks like it's up to .45 now, assuming I'm correct.
red maples
04-25-2010, 08:52 PM
Red Maples:
Maine has extra dark. It is offically Maine Grade A Extra Dark. Think we have had it for 15 years or maybe a couple more. At least 50% of customers requesting a specific grade ask for Extra Dark. We have always sold it for same as all other grades. 20 years ago most everyone charged more for light and less for dark.
I'm not sure if any other states have grade a extra dark.
Interesting but this was made in NH actually the next town over from me and I know the guy next time I run into him I will ask him. but it doesn't specify grade a or grade b it just says extra dark. As little as a I know NH just follows the USDA with is A light, Med , Dark and everything darker than than grade A Dark is grade B as long as it doesn't have an off flavor. So as far as I know NH doesn't have that grade of extra dark.
that has to be their selling price. I sold two barrels of b on Friday 2.45lb
Thompson's Tree Farm
04-26-2010, 06:13 AM
I sold some B at $2.45 last week too.
04-26-2010, 06:59 AM
Sorry abut the confusion, those were their selling prices.
Russell Lampron
04-26-2010, 05:25 PM
It is good to know both prices. If you are buying from Bascom's in 5 gallon containers add $20 to the price after you figure how much it should be by weight.
04-28-2010, 03:22 AM
anderson- 2.60 light, medium
2.55 dark
2.25 b/commercial
yesterdays price
04-28-2010, 07:32 AM
Still sound to low for the poor year.
05-06-2010, 06:09 AM
I was told by a leader in the IMSI that Quebec will be revising their surplus in storage within the Federation by 10,000,000 lbs. for 2010. Bet prices won't be moving up anytime soon.
05-06-2010, 07:32 AM
Also yesterday in a discussion with a major packer it seems that the demand for Maple is decreasing atleast for them. He had also heard that other packers are experiencing the same thing.
05-06-2010, 07:56 AM
Also yesterday in a discussion with a major packer it seems that the demand for Maple is decreasing atleast for them. He had also heard that other packers are experiencing the same thing.
This is a consequence of the shortage of syrup a few years back. Although producers enjoyed the high prices (temporarily), the ripple effects are now coming back to bite us. When the prices shot up, industrial users either had to pay through the nose for syrup, or alter their receipes to reduce or eliminate maple syrup. They have a hard time dealing with wildly fluctuating (high) prices. The result is that these users move away from maple syrup...and demand (and prices) drop. It will take a long time for those industrial markets to return or for others to take their place.
Interestingly, most producers think an oversupply of syrup causes low prices. While that can happen, a shortage of syrup can do the same thing, and typically can have longer lasting consequences on prices.
The surplus that the Quebec Federation carried for quite some time actually helped to keep prices very stable, and for the industrial users, kept the supply very stable....until it ran out. That surplus will need to be rebuilt.
Not sure that all packers are experiencing this drop-off. All depends upon what their markets are.
05-06-2010, 10:02 AM
I do know one packer that is actually experiencing a increase in sales. Also there is a belief by some packers that there is actually a larger surplus in Canada than estimated, and on top of that most packers carried over more syrup from last year then they have in a long time. It certainly looking like there is ahuge amount of commercial or substandard syrup on hand this year as a large amount that was made right up through to alittle more then a week ago.
05-06-2010, 10:36 AM
I do know one packer that is actually experiencing a increase in sales.
Much depends upon what markets they are selling to. Packers are like producers in one sense....they never admit to having a really good season...sales are usually described as mediocre or average. If producers knew that demand was really strong, they might want more for their syrup. Sort of a tit-for-tat thing. Producers never want to admit to a great season because then the prices might go down. Take everything you ever heard from producers or packers about how much syrup they made or have sold with a large grain of salt (or crystal of sugar).
Also there is a belief by some packers that there is actually a larger surplus in Canada than estimated, and on top of that most packers carried over more syrup from last year then they have in a long time.
That belief (larger surplus in Canada) would benefit the packers in some respects by allowing them to keep prices low. Packers did absolutely have full warehouses going into the sugaring season. But they had bare cupboards the year before that, so they were hedging their bets....if it had been a very poor season, it would surely have benefitted them to do that. Overall, it doesn't appear to have been either a banner or a poor season. Perhaps a little over an average season.
It certainly looking like there is a huge amount of commercial or substandard syrup on hand this year as a large amount that was made right up through to alittle more then a week ago.
Likely true, but it is actually the dark syrup that is used for much of the industrial markets, or used to blend in with the real light stuff to make something in-between. The dark stuff used to be very hard to sell....not anymore. With air injection making so much light syrup, the packers need the dark syrup to blend. That is why the pricing for syrup is so much "flatter" across the grades than it used to be. Definitely worth making commercial syrup nowadays compared to 10-15 yrs ago.
05-06-2010, 12:25 PM
All I can say is what I am told to buy because they don't have enough and I am told what not to buy because they have to much. You can also take that with a grain of salt.
I do know one packer that is actually experiencing a increase in sales. Also there is a belief by some packers that there is actually a larger surplus in Canada than estimated, and on top of that most packers carried over more syrup from last year then they have in a long time. It certainly looking like there is ahuge amount of commercial or substandard syrup on hand this year as a large amount that was made right up through to alittle more then a week ago.
How are they making syrup that late in the season? Are they that far north or are they still tapping trees near the end of the season?
05-06-2010, 07:58 PM
they just finished on the golden road in maine last sunday
05-06-2010, 08:40 PM
That is right and some made as much as 7 lbs per tap and nearly 3 lbs was commercial or substandard. And some of these guys are 20,000 plus tap operations
05-16-2010, 06:39 AM
anyone have any updates on what Bascoms or other dealers are buying and selling for? specifically I'm looking to buy NH medium/dark and good grade B and sell some filtered grade C
Killington Maple
05-16-2010, 07:13 PM
I was at Bascom's on friday. They are still paying $2.45lb for B syrup.
05-16-2010, 07:26 PM
Yes, I was there last week too. They were complaining that they had now more room to put the syrup that was coming in...
07-17-2010, 07:07 AM
any bulk pricing updates from folks who have been selling B/C and buying medium or dark A?
07-23-2010, 06:29 AM
I just sold some commercial to Bascoms on Wed and they were still paying $2.25. They were selling Light and Med for $3.10/ lb, Dark was $3.05.
07-23-2010, 08:13 PM
I think the prices will remain status quo. That is my 2 cents
Haynes Forest Products
07-23-2010, 09:34 PM
DEEP Brookledge DEEP dont go out on a limb:lol:
07-25-2010, 02:27 PM
Yesterday dad and I sold 30 gal of C for $2.00 a lb and bought 55 gal of Medium for $3.20 a lb. Needed the syrup to bottle since we're running low already.
maple flats
07-25-2010, 03:04 PM
I guess I was wrong. By now I thought prices would have climbed to at least $3 for B. Just shows, maybe everyone was not real honest about how bad a season they had. There was more syrup than reported at season's end.
07-25-2010, 05:19 PM
dave everyone had a 40% carry over from year before. you will never see price go up.
07-26-2010, 09:39 AM
I think they stated crop was down 19% from last year which should put it close to a normal year because last year was a banner year here and north of the border.
07-26-2010, 11:15 AM
I read 19% down as well but read NY had a good % increase in product. I was baffled I had the worst year in 3 generations.
Homestead Maple
08-03-2010, 07:46 PM
sold 1350 lbs to Bascoms today still $2.45/drum or $2.25 for 5 gal jugs per lb.
I take it that this was B grade?
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