View Full Version : main line question

03-14-2010, 08:32 PM
this is the first time we tried tubing (gravity) got the light blue main line, how much slope is needed for it to really work good? We seem to be backed up in places where it looks like a "V"

farmall h
03-14-2010, 08:50 PM
Any sags and it will only get heavier when the sap runs. I don't know exactly but I would guess 2ft per/100ft. It depends on the layout of your land being tapped. ps: the tubing needs to be side-tied or suspended on wire.

Lots of good posts on this topic: tubing installation.;)

03-14-2010, 08:53 PM
Not sure what looks like a V means. But 5% grade seams to work very good. As long as you don't have to many tapes on the main. Make sure sizing is correct For amount of taps.