View Full Version : The sugar shack at Morningstar Farm Tapped out...

03-14-2010, 03:51 PM
Finished the last boil of the year today..got 3.5 gals of med dark..pulling taps tues/weds..Have to boil for my sons school on thursday to make 1 gal for them..Time to get on with the horses..good luck to everyone for the rest of the season.;)

03-14-2010, 08:14 PM
It's to early to stop now I just pissed mother nature off took my plows off the trucks and pulled the sanders. Now it will turn bitter cold and snow 2 or 3 feet.

03-14-2010, 10:36 PM
lol while I appreciate your efforts, my sugars have budded out and I have to get started riding horses for spring show season. Made 17 gals this season. About half what I expected or planned for, however its some of the best syrup I've ever made. One last boil thursday for the kids then a few days of cleanup. I hope the season rages on for the rest of you addicts.....:)