View Full Version : 22 year tally for March 13 - Lyman/Littleton NH
03-14-2010, 06:27 AM
I hate to brag but this year's 78 gallons (so far) is the second highest syrup tally as of March 13. Only 2000 was a better year (so far). Here's my March 13 tally for the last 22 years. Actually I guess I like to brag.
NOTE: The last number is the year end total
3/13/tally -- year-end total
2010 - 78 -- ??
2009 - 0 -- 119
2008 - 0 -- 95
2007 - 0 -- 113
2006 - 5 -- 130
2005 - 0 -- 89
2004 - 38 -- 116
2003 - 0 -- 126
2002 - 42 -- 122
2001 - 0 -- 99
2000 - 84 -- 155
1999 - 2 -- 81
1998 - 43 -- 72
1997 - 2 -- 100
1996 - 0 -- 201
1995 - 10 -- 121
1994 - 0 -- 113
1993 - 0 -- 90
1992 - 15 -- 136
1991 - 5 -- 101
1990 - 6 -- 105
1989 - 0 -- 60
Hop Kiln Road
03-14-2010, 06:52 AM
Perry -
Very interesting numbers. I am somewhere south of the good weather line this year! These are my gravity gal/tap sap numbers.
Year 3/12 Season
06 2.4 11.8
07 2.6 9.8
08 3.3 18.2
09 3.5 12.4
10 5.7 ?
Russell Lampron
03-14-2010, 08:04 AM
There are a lot of zeros in there Perry. I haven't kept records that accurately so I can't post years past totals like that. I do know that the 86 gallons that I have made so far this year is a record for the date. I still have a long ways to go to catch last years 162 gallons total and the sugar just isn't there this year.
03-14-2010, 08:15 AM
Looks like 1996 was a good year for production over there. I don't keep records but then it's only my second year. I have a long ways to go to reach last years totals also.
03-14-2010, 08:35 AM
Actually Russell, I am most likely ahead of your 86 gallons this year. The syrup is just so darn good tasting, I'm sure I've drank at least 8 gallons.
The grade dropped into medium for for the first couple take-offs yesterday, but jumped back into Fancy for the last 3 gallons.
Russell Lampron
03-14-2010, 08:52 AM
Perry the 86 is only what I have measured. I have probably drank 8 gallons myself. I take a quart off of the filter press and start filling sample cups. There isn't much left after my son in law and I have had a few shots and a couple of boiling sodas.
I intentionally pack my syrup a little heavy when I correct the density and run it through the press. I canned up 10 gallons yesterday and had to add a quart of water to get it right. That quart wasn't counted either.
red maples
03-14-2010, 09:17 AM
nice records. the weather doesn't look to promissing for us southern guys. but I got 50 more gallons of sap last night. but I am sick of this rain wind junk. I have about 38 gallons unofficially so that works out to .126 gallons per tap I was hoping for at least twice that. and my sugar content is very low now. but the weather will tell if I am over or not. I am just happy I tapped as soon as the weather hit right. I read some guys went by date and missed mostly everthing!!!
wed-sat mid to upper 30's at night and 50's in the day means noo more sap!!! or at the very least a few gallons here and there.
what I boiled out yesterday has a very redish hue to it!!!!and a very sweet buttery flavor tastes great.
Russell Lampron
03-14-2010, 10:00 AM
All of my syrup has that red color to it. It is very pretty to look at as well as having excellent flavor. It is hard to grade though because of the red color. I am putting red next to yellow and trying to see which one is lighter.
03-14-2010, 10:09 AM
nice records for them years Perry. I don't keep records but I do Know that I am ahead of last year but that could be the increase in taps.
Russ, our syrup here has always had the redish color just thought it was the location. It just taste great on anything we put it on.
03-14-2010, 10:46 AM
Actually, the only records I keep are the daily cumulative totals of syrup for each year scrawled on my sugarhouse wall.
Russell Lampron
03-14-2010, 12:27 PM
I write down the sap collected in a notebook each time I gather or pump sap and mark the number of gallons and grade of syrup produced on the calender in the sugar house. Unfortunately the calender gets tossed every year and the total for the season gets written in the notebook. I also write down the number of taps on buckets and the number on tubing. I am using adapters on all of my taps on tubing this season so at the end of the season I will be able to count them all to get an accurate total.
04-07-2010, 09:36 PM
Ended up with 116 gallons after finishing off the contents of the evaporator. Pretty much an average year for me, thought much more Fancy than normal.
Season started two weeks early and ended 3 weeks early. All cleaned up now except the evaporator.
Russell Lampron
04-08-2010, 05:35 AM
I ended up with 153 gallons for the season, 9 less than last year. I have all of the taps pulled and tubing washed. The evaporator still needs to be cleaned. The membrane is washed but needs to be removed from the RO. The tanks and releaser need to be cleaned and the buckets and taps need to be washed. I've got alot done but still have alot more to do.
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