View Full Version : Trees Stopped Producing

03-13-2010, 11:22 AM
I have two medium size trees tapped with a total of six taps. I've done this for about ten years, quite succesfully.

I got about a week of good flow this year, then they just stopped. I tried drilling new holes, but still almost no sap, maybe four ounces for a whole day. Everybody else in the area is still getting lots of sap.

Any idea what's wrong? Could my trees just be tired? Could too deep or too shallow a hole do this?


Mark Wengert
03-13-2010, 02:05 PM
too warm! not cold enough at night to draw the sap down. i have 110 buckets up and they too have stopped. I only got 60 gallons over 2 days and i boiled down yesterday to make some dark amber. Nothing you did but it might just be the end to a very short season. wish it would run more. i made 45 gallons lasgt year but only 30 so far this year. i canned it all and have none for making cream and sugar. without a vaccum we are out of luck. hang in there and hope for cold weather.

maple flats
03-20-2010, 04:58 PM
I have 575 taps and only made 12 gal so far. Last year with 600 taps I made 125 gal and in 08 with 525 taps I made 186 gal. What a year so far. My tap holes haven't dried up yet but they give so little it hurts.