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View Full Version : End of Season:Removing Taps?

03-13-2010, 10:22 AM
First year tapping my Sugar maples...so far yielded about 3 gallons of light-medium amber from 20 taps. It seems like the season may be nearly over. Not a great year in Connecticut from what all the others are saying.

What is the proper way to remove the taps? I'm using Leader Hookless Treesaver 5/16" Bucket Spouts. I was thinking a pair of pliers or channel locks maybe with the jaws wrapped with electrical tape to protect the taps. Is it a gentle twist and outward motion to pull the tap out? Any advice or techniques would be appreciated. I want to try to get these taps to last as long as possible.

03-13-2010, 10:58 AM
First year tapping my Sugar maples...so far yielded about 3 gallons of light-medium amber from 20 taps. It seems like the season may be nearly over. Not a great year in Connecticut from what all the others are saying.

What is the proper way to remove the taps? I'm using Leader Hookless Treesaver 5/16" Bucket Spouts. I was thinking a pair of pliers or channel locks maybe with the jaws wrapped with electrical tape to protect the taps. Is it a gentle twist and outward motion to pull the tap out? Any advice or techniques would be appreciated. I want to try to get these taps to last as long as possible.

i just tap them lightly with a hammer and slowly pull them outyou may have to wiggle them a bit jim

maple marc
03-13-2010, 09:44 PM
I use a claw hammer the way you would if you were levering out a nail. Just a light push on the handle with the claw behind the tab. Pops right out.

Haynes Forest Products
03-13-2010, 10:06 PM
I dont us bucket spouts but a wonder bar/ flat pry bar that has the nail opening ground open so it fits over the flange on the tap works great. Cheapo harbor fright bar will work. Its all we use for tap pulling.