View Full Version : Oops
03-12-2010, 05:22 PM
I have a 35 gallon tank on the back of my 4 wheeler I use to collect with. Well tonight I went to collect what was out there which was right around 10 gallons. I dumped it in and head back to the shack, got all the way back and saw that I had left the valve open after I washed it out last night and there was a nice trail of sap behind me. At this point all I can do is laugh. Sap has stopped runing and a freeze isnt forcasted until monday, so ill wash all the tanks and wait.
Any other funny sap collection stories out there. With the sap flow thus far I figured maybe a funny story would be a good idea to raise spirits.
03-12-2010, 05:30 PM
i did that once on my truck tank, i wont do that ever again, i check the valve every time before i pump.
03-12-2010, 09:44 PM
Her's one for "Americas Funniest Videos.
I put in 200 taps in a friends woods. The bulk tank sets about 285 feet from the town road, so I built a pump-out line (1 inch poly) that goes straight up above the pump for 10 feet, then slopes toward the road, so it is self-draining.
The first time we pumped out, I shut off the pump after it emptied the bulk tank. When I unhooked the discharge line from the pump, it was EMPTY. I said, "Steve--look here. The slope line must have siphoned out all the sap towards the road--the pipe here is empty." He said, "No, really?" I said sure-watch this. I blew on the line like I was playing the worlds longest, blackest tuba. He said, "Are you sure it's empty?" I put the end up to my ear to listen for the sounds of the last sap running out on the road. Somehow, the line wasn't empty and the pressure came backwards, blowing about a quart of sap into my ear, down my shirt-all over me. We both had a laugh-him a little more than me....
Haynes Forest Products
03-13-2010, 10:20 AM
I had a 74 1/2 ton step side chevy truck that I haul sap with a 300 gallon tank in the back and about 12:00 at night my buddies and I make a sap run. 3 guys that total we must be 700lbs and we are crusing down the road when the spare tire under the back in the crappy tire holder falls out and hits the ground and launches the back end up in the air about 3 feet bending the frame and spilling my ..........................:o
03-13-2010, 10:34 AM
one year I had a pump setup from the lower woods tank to the holding tank up at the sugar house. I filled the upper tank pretty good, it was to freeze up good that night so I drained the pump and line so it wouldnt freeze. well the next morning I go to boil and 3/4 of my milk tank was empty. I had the line too deep into the milk tank and when I drained the line it siphoned appx 250 gallons sap back to the woods on the ground!... I cut the line so it just stubbed into the top of the tank after that ;)
I siphoned the head tank this year. I use a sump pump to go between the truck and the sugar house. There is usually a couple gallons of sap in the pump and the hose so I put it in a bucket. Well that bucket filled fast so I grabbed a second and a third. At the 4th bucket I thought well this odd and ran into the sugar house. The hose had dropped down into the head tank.
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