View Full Version : Season status.....

Beans Maple
03-12-2010, 04:24 PM
What a bummer year. I know it is still early enough for it to come back some, but looking at the forecast, it might just be too late for it to help. No freeze for atleast 5 days.

So here are my discouraging numbers so far....
vacuum line(1400taps) 12,600 gal
gravity lines(680 taps) 2,375 gal
buckets(110 taps) 200 gal
tot. 15,175 gallons of 1.4 - 1.8 % sap....
.....and with this sap I have made 276 gallons of syrup of which none is light amber and about 40 of it is B grade.

I don't even know why I bothered with the gravity lines...they haven't done doggy doodoo. For the first time ever I was all ready for the season. Repaired, replaced, and upgraded lines. New vacuum pump, new steam-away, clean sugar house, happy wife, heck even my kids have been around to help. Everything is perfect...except the **** sap! I know there are guys alot worse than me. I hope atleast some of you guys are having good seasons.

Old School
03-13-2010, 08:10 AM
This was my first season after talking about for years! We put out 60 taps & made 10 gallons of syrup & 6 gallons of wine from 3/1 to 3/10. I was a couple days late tapping so missed out on some sap. The sap was testing about 2.5% if I was reading it right. I used gravity lines with less slope than they should have, and a 28" x72" flat pan with some dividers. Something to tinker with & improve for the rest of my life!

03-23-2010, 02:02 PM
Trees haven't run in a week. Looks like it's supposed to get down into the teens in my area in the next few days. Could this "reset" the trees?