View Full Version : What to do????

03-12-2010, 03:56 PM
I'm sitting on the fence tonite as to go and get material to add 300 more tapps or just run the rest of the season with 350. No freeze in the forcast for 5 more days and I'm all boiled up at the moment. Sitting on 25 gals and a $4000 + flue pan bill. The material to be picked up would be for roadside tubing that I will use for years to come. But another $1000 out on a maybe for this year??? Throw me some thoughts.

03-13-2010, 12:26 AM
Im just trying to figure out how a flue pan cost you $4000. I hope when you say flue pan bill you are talking about the whole rig. Anyways I would not do it and the reason being is not the finacial aspect but the mental one. I am losing my mind right now and if I stuck another 300 taps out and ended up being disapointed even more I would lose it. Dissapointement does not sit well with me.

03-13-2010, 06:01 AM
Nope just the flue pan. Its a Leader American drop flue 30x5 brand spankin new. And to top that off the new hoods I built don't fit on top of it either, but we suspend it from chains and works just fine. But it's one step closer to the steam a way now. We were going to replace the complete arch in 2-3 yrs but now I'll just rebuild this arch and add enhancements.

Haynes Forest Products
03-13-2010, 09:59 AM
I wouldnt dirty the new tubing and then have it sit all year. Keep it clean till next years monster season.

03-13-2010, 12:22 PM
i wouldnt spend any more money for this season, it looks like a loser for us in lower michigan. my buckets never produced at all. hopefully we might be able to salvage something off of vac. yet this season.

03-13-2010, 12:33 PM
Wait and buy that new tubing in May or June when the sales are on !

03-14-2010, 01:25 PM
Thanks for the help. We are going to finish the season with whats up and build the rest this summer. I've been talking with the local sugarmakers and telling them that I'm boiling till the cows come home even if its comercial syrup and to bring me there sap that they don't want to boil for table syrup. Anything to help pay down the cost of the pan.