View Full Version : Lower Hudson valley

03-12-2010, 07:00 AM
Tapped about 30 taps on or around the 1st week of February. Got great sap runs for about 2 weeks. Then that big storm dropped any were from 3' to 5' over our area. Now we are not getting but maybe a quart per day out of trees that usually give us 2 gals a day. Are we late, or did we get an early run? New to all this, 1st time using our 18" x 60" evaporator. :confused:

03-12-2010, 07:27 AM
You were not late, it is just a strange season with a week of good sap flow and now no freeze in site. The snow pack will help you stay out of the upper 50's and 60's which will kill sap flow.
