View Full Version : Got Sap in Northern Minnesota

03-09-2010, 06:59 PM
This is the earliest that I have tapped trees and had sap in the last three years of records.

Was trying to get new taps and etc. to go to drop lines w/ buckets. But the place in Wisconsin must be really busy also with this warm weather we are all having!

Met with a fellow sapper close to me that just happen to have and offered all of his used drop lines to me. He has been tapping for a week, finally finished today. He doesn't count how many taps he has but there is a.....so many!!! His tree's are still a little dormant but he is gonna wake them up tomorrow! Heck of a guy for 70 years young!

How are other fellow sapper's doing?

Scott O
03-09-2010, 09:28 PM
West-central Minnesota. Tapped some yesterday. Late today it was a very slow drip.....drip....drip from tubing into barrel.

03-10-2010, 08:31 PM
Two of my buckets maybe had a gallon of sap all the others are just so slow! I just know that this weather can stay like this.

This weather is just really wierd! Had to cancel the SLFD Perch Jerk for Saturday since all this rain is eating the shoreline ice just bad!!

03-12-2010, 07:29 AM
Had about 6 outa 25 start dripping 2 days ago with about a couple cups in each one... one tree in the sun had a gallon and a half! Am hoping it will start soon.... cant wait to try out my new homade 2x4 stainless... just doing it over an open fire this year but have plans on making up a propper evaporator for next year!

03-12-2010, 10:43 AM
have 115 taps in so far its dripping slow, plan to put another 200 taps in this weekend.

03-13-2010, 04:11 PM
Just got 20 gallons from 27 trees and threw out another 30 taps today! almost all of the trees I tapped started dripping right away! I am 30 min north of the cities

03-17-2010, 08:16 PM
Today was a decent day for a run (about 35 gallons), it was frosty here for the first time in a long time!! The future days are getting to look more like spring weather! I need to burn soon or mabybe the cool weather will help not spoil the sap so quickly.

03-17-2010, 09:12 PM
Collected 110 gallons of sap today, which totals 195 of sap this year so far. Not so good considering I tapped on the 7th of march. Hopefully the forecast holds out and we actually get some freezing weather. Besides last night it hasn't froze here at night for nearly a week and a half.

03-31-2010, 12:10 PM
Well the taps have been in for close to a month, the weather is getting to warm to keep sap from spoilin' and the low's (temp) are not helping the sap run!! Need to make a decision on quitting, would think it's over but I have usually been burning till the 10th of April!!!

How is everyone else doing in the north country?

03-31-2010, 01:54 PM
I'm in N.E. Wisconsin and our weather is 3-4 weeks ahead of normal. I tapped on March 12 and the run was fairly good. I pulled the taps on the 28th. Still running but I wanted to finish everything before leaving town for the long weekend. I'm running 60 taps on a Leader Half pint and made 12 gallons this year which is about normal for my hobby operation. I enjoy syrup season but don't need a part time job!!

03-31-2010, 02:21 PM
sundown, how long have you had your 1/2 pint. what would be your guess as to how long it takes to draw off a gallon in your estimate? at 4 hours proposed your talking like 10 hours..??
Would love to see your setup!

04-01-2010, 05:07 PM
Well the buds just popped on the tree's, so I went and pulled the taps. I cleaned the tubes and buckets and gave the rest of my sap to a friend so she can make some hard crack. The ice is already going out on the lakes!!! 'Til next year and more improvements, need to check my notes for the year and finish some and can the syrup!!

04-18-2011, 10:07 AM
very spotty season. couple good days then nothing. repeat.:cry::cry::cry:

04-18-2011, 07:40 PM
The sap is running like it has never run, funny since I thought it was done. Have been getting close to 3 gal a tree for the last 3-4 days, have 150 gal now to boil. I am getting nervous that I can't boil all the sap down. My new (bigger) pan was suppose to make my GPH higher but I haven't seen a change this year. Really would love to say that I am getting 10-12 gph, no make that 6 gph, hahahaha never!!!! :confused: Was able to finish and can close to 4 gallons of syrup.

04-18-2011, 10:27 PM
Like BriJack said earlier ... sap is running like crazy. i had actually pulled my taps based on no good sap days and the good old National Weather Service forecast of nothing below freezing....... why do I listen to them? We got home from Minneapolis on Sunday AM - noticed the tap holes were almost trickling. We ran around and put 50 taps back in and collected 50 gallons today and there is more in the bags waiting. Yee-haw! Second season!

04-20-2011, 11:35 AM
Alright I starting the final push. Got 175 gallons of sap and I don't want it to spoil so here we go. Really love the weather but we need to get spring going and not this winter weather.

Am I the only one in Minnesota other than sk8heaven?

04-20-2011, 01:30 PM
Your not the only one, I could only tap for about 7 days boiled off 600 gallons.
Sap was still running well last week-end and I am sure with this weather it is still running.
