View Full Version : Holding Off On Tapping 10 more?

03-09-2010, 02:53 PM
Down here in CT the long range forecast isn't looking so great for sap flow. I have 10 or so more trees that I'm thinking of tapping (mostly reds).

What are your thoughts on holding off until a favorable temperature cycle returns or just tap and hope for the best:confused:

03-09-2010, 04:09 PM
I would wait until a run is expected before tapping.

TF Maple
03-09-2010, 05:54 PM
It might be a good idea to hold off for better weather if you have a lot of good sap running weather coming. But if warm weather comes and no freezing nights, then you missed out on these trees. Maybe they would run a little if you tap them now.
If they are warmed up trees they maybe won't run with this warm weather. If they were cold and still frozen then this warm spell could get them running. Just my guess or 2 cents worth. I have some trees that are just getting started and seem to need this warm spell to wake up.
Good luck! because we all depend on the weather.

03-10-2010, 11:18 AM
I'm in the exact same boat probably because we have the same conditions. I got a late start (3/1) and the conditions turned for the worse right away. Lots of warm nights pretty much shut things off for long periods. I got 20 out, then when we had a mini-run last weekend I put a couple more out to see what would happen only to get very little gain.

I'm holding off on my last 8 because it just might not be worth it to me or the tree. Besides, the next trees I was looking to tap are further away, across the road, and down in a steep slope. Unless things really bounce back with some frigid nights, I may just have to start dreaming about next year.

Good luck.


03-10-2010, 11:24 AM
Hold off until you are going to get some freezing nights. If you do it closer to the run period, you will end up getting way more sap back due to a fresh taphole. In most cases, you will have alot more sap than if they were drilled and din't run for a week -10 days.