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View Full Version : Float in flue pan

03-09-2010, 07:31 AM
I have a 2 x 8 Evaportator that draw off in the center pan. I have a float that I think goes in the back flue pan. But I can not seem to get it to work right. Does anybody have a evaporator like this, and do I have the float in the right place. I have added picture of the evaporator.

Haynes Forest Products
03-09-2010, 07:52 AM
I had a rig just like that. Mine had a drop flue in the back then the sap went thru one side of the center finish pan and into the very front semi drop flue and then into the center draw off. My inlet valve was a float on a lever that slid into groves in the corner of the flue pan between the side and divider. They were located towards the center pan. Is you rig English tin? I really liked the set up it was lead solderd:mad: My center finish pan was a square that was divided into 4 sections.

03-09-2010, 09:40 AM
Yes it is english tin. Here are some pictures to see if I have it setup right.