View Full Version : Tapping in New Jersey

03-08-2010, 10:49 AM
We are a 60 acre tree farm in NW New Jersey. We have been tapping for about 8 years and have gone from 10 taps to 85. We produce between 15-20 gallons on a 1/2 pint evaporator. We tapped two weeks ago and we have had a few great days but alot of terrible days so far this season. We have started to retap some of the trees because they have been dry. Anyone else out there tapping in NJ had the same experience

03-08-2010, 11:50 AM
You have to tap earlier in the season...feb 1.

03-08-2010, 07:34 PM
I live near Teterboro Airport, within sight of NYC. I've tapped the norway maple in my back yard and the red maple in my neighbor's back yard. I got a few gallons of sap from them in February, but even though the weather has been warm and sunny the last few days, the trees seem asleep.
I went up into the Catskills today to visit my main source of sap, some land I own up there. Still plenty of snow left over, had to use the toboggan to move the sap, and about 1pm the trails softened up so that I had to put on my snowshoes again. The trees up there are giving me more sap than the ones down here in NJ.

red maples
03-09-2010, 04:05 PM
NJ needs to tap early...I used to live in stillwater NJ near newton...and in rutherford of a few years big difference in temps and weather NW Jersey is much higher elevation!!!

03-09-2010, 09:33 PM
I'm in Blairstown with 52 taps and made a little over 8 gallons to date. This is my second year so I don't have much to go by, but this year the weather has not the best for good runs. In the past two weeks we've only had 1 night below freezing (about 24) the next day ran well but then everything pretty much shut down. As far as tapping earlier, it seems that by the time we get to mid-March the weather doesn't cool off enough at night to produce good runs. Next year I'm thinking of tapping in mid-January as I know i missed a good run or two this year when we had a few warmer days but was afraid to tap too early and not get the later runs.

red maples
03-10-2010, 08:31 AM
my brother lives in columbia. they want to tap a few trees for next year. I told them what they needed to get and to get it in the fall time. and pick backyard sugarin'

I think its time for a new thread section here....tapping New Jersey...there seems to be more and more on here.