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View Full Version : darn near burned the pans

03-08-2010, 08:17 AM
Yeterday I was boiling and all of a sudden I realized that I was not getting any sap into my pre heater. For some reason this year I had a 5 gallon bucket of sap in the shed next to the evaporator and just dumped the sap in a little at a time. At the time I was just about to draw off my first syrup of the season as I was watching the temp. gage working its way op to 7. When I realized that I had all 4 sections in my front pan boiling like there was no tomorrow. I then proceded to dump in 5 more gallons of water just so I would not burn my pans as I drew off. I did draw off about 2 gallons and my pans went down from 2" to about 3/4". When I finally was able to check my outside sap tanks I realized that there was more sap in them but the level was below the draw off point. Lesson learned. Now I know where the low point on my tanks are and where to read my tank volume gage tubbing.
After all was quieted down and I settled my nerves down I went out to collect my sap for the day. The weather was nice and sunny but only collected about 80 gal. of sap on 125 of my taps. Hopefully I will have a good sap week.

03-08-2010, 08:17 PM
i always feared doing this too and installed a 11 dollar float switch wired to a beeper so i can get a warning that the level is low in the rear pan.

03-08-2010, 10:24 PM
i always feared doing this too and installed a 11 dollar float switch wired to a beeper so i can get a warning that the level is low in the rear pan.

Can you give me a grainger part no. or a web link for the kind of switch you used?

