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View Full Version : boiled about 50 gallons today with coal

03-06-2010, 06:37 PM
Had about 4 hours to kill so I figured I would tune in the evap today got her up and running with the new blower and figured why not go for broke!!! I have a pile of coal laying around and ran the evap with 75 25 mix of wood to coal and the blower much steadier heat and much more of it it was easy to get a boil and hold it now I ran an inch deeper than I normally do but all was OK I rally did like using the coal and had a stack temp of 600 pretty steady bit of a trick to get the right amount of coal in but once I had it tuned I waS golden... I would reccommend it to anyone experianced and plan on playin more tues. All in all I had a avg boil rate of 10 gal an hour (2x6 flat) but for awhile I had to really watch it as the pan was really going I use a old cross flow pan and out of the 7 compartments at the peak 6.5 were rolling I wish I could find a set of english tim pans in good shape SS too much to justify the cost for a 3 week a year hobby!!!!