View Full Version : New Hampshire newbie

Hardway Farm
03-05-2010, 10:14 AM
Been lurking and reading but figured it was time to get my feet "wet" and say hello. Been interested in this hobby[passion] since I was a kid "helping" my grand dad on the estate where he worked. Was fortunate enough to be old enough to actually help while he still worked his 400 or so buckets with a horse and scoot. Helped there every spring thru high school. Jump ahead 20 years, A friend and I had a sugar "shack" for 4 years with about 100 taps and scrounged equipment until 3 years ago when they moved. Time to try again, just for fun, cinder blocks, flat pan and wood smoke in my eyes:)

03-05-2010, 04:47 PM
Well Ruffy - Really dosen't sound like You are a "Newbie" - But - rather an old Maple Syrup Making Veteran who has down-sized. In any event - The very best of luck this syrup making season --- Mike

Homestead Maple
03-05-2010, 07:37 PM
Have a great season and you've come to the right place to feed that maple bug.

Russell Lampron
03-06-2010, 05:29 AM
It sounds like you got the maple bug just like the rest of us. I was only nine when my parents last made syrup in 1965. I made it one year on a cinder block arch when I was in high school. Now I have about 700 taps on 69 acres that was part of the original dairy farm that has been in my family since 1904. I think there is something in the steam that infects the brains of us mapleholics.