View Full Version : Saying good buy to and old friend

Haynes Forest Products
03-04-2010, 07:55 PM
Had to put Maple down yesturday:cry: Eleven years with a dog that was always happy laying under the arch and cleaning up MY spills:) A dog that always had to run next to the tractor wheel in the blind spot and never got run over:) Thanks for letting me vent. Do I leave her name on my signature?

Frank Ivy
03-04-2010, 08:00 PM
Good dogs are awesome.

Sorry for your loss.

03-04-2010, 08:06 PM
We're getting close to the same situation but will be bringing in a puppy to take over before senior is gone. Always found the young add life to the old and the old teach the young "wuz up". Even still... the transition is never easy but life goes on. Sympathies for "Maple"... but great expectations for "Sapling".

03-04-2010, 08:13 PM
I think you should leave her name in the signature, she will always be a part of your maple season. I had the same thing happen last year. Her collar hangs above the door in the sugar house.

03-04-2010, 08:39 PM
Sorry to hear that Haynes, it's never easy and Maple will never be replaced, though when you're ready you'll find another dog that's just as good, yet in different ways.

03-04-2010, 09:09 PM
Sorry to hear about maple,

03-04-2010, 09:19 PM
I'm sure that Maple had as good a life as any dog around and the pup that comes in has some big paws to fill and will find that his humans are top notch.

Bucket Head
03-04-2010, 09:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Haynes. Its too bad it had to happen now, but every sugaring season from here on out will bring back fond memories. Do you have a nice photo or two of Maple? If so, you can proudly hang the photo in the sugarhouse. Everybody has a "Wall Of Fame" and it sounds like Maple deserves to be on yours. And theres nothing wrong with leavng your signature the way it is.


Saw Filer
03-04-2010, 09:38 PM
Sorry to hear that news Haynes, we too went through the same thing last season. Leave her name in, good dogs are never forgotten.

farmall h
03-05-2010, 09:09 PM
I feel your sadness Haynes, I had to put my 'ol dog down last fall. He was Lab/border collie mix..12 years old. "Cyrus". Named him after Billie Ray Cyrus...never knew why.:confused: :) My wife and I said we would never get another...well we got a Chocolate Lab from the Lab Rescue website and she was transported up in a cube van with a vet and driver (fifteen other dogs)from Texas. We picked her up in Manchester, NH. They deliver throughout the USA. She's a very nice dog. Loves the woods..sleeps on the futon in the sugarhse and runs in front of the 4-wheeler when we go tapping. Took her a little while to get used to snow! She still has her Texan accent in her bark.:lol: Maybe something to consider.


03-05-2010, 09:31 PM
I am really sorry for your loss Haynes. I have a 12 year old lab, half deaf and partly blind. I know that day is coming here as well, but can hardly even talk about it. It's funny how the heart of a dog can change a persons life. I wish I had more time to learn all the things my dog has tried to teach me. Even on her worst day, her heart is stronger and more true than mine on my best day.

I'm just a newbie in the Wisconsin witness protection world of syrup makers (more of a sap boiler than anything), but I would guess her name in your signature line is well earned.

03-06-2010, 12:34 AM
Darn Haynes that just plain ole sucks. I have lost quite a few over the years. It is amazing how they bring so much into our lives. Keep the name on your profile and I second the pup with the name Sapling. When it gets older you can call the dog Sap. Sorry for the loss.

Buckeye mapler
03-09-2010, 09:34 PM
Man Haynes, that is always rough. It has been one year since my dog passed. He had diabetes and went blind. I let him out one night to go potty and he never came back in. Not like him at all. I found him 5 days later floating in a drainage tank. He couldn't see at all and must of fell in. I was sick for weeks. Cried alot. My wife got herself a second poodle a week later who my kids named Maple because of the color of his fur and knowing I made syrup. He seemed to know something was wrong with me. It was like he could sense my loss. Anyway, he is not so much her dog anymore. He bonded with me and although Max will always be missed, it was kind of nice meeting our new dog too. It really is crazy how heart wrenching it is though. Killed me burying him.

Haynes Forest Products
03-09-2010, 11:25 PM
Thanks for all the replys. I have always been a dog owner and this dog has been the best by far. Never gave me a lick of trouble and was the only dog my two boys ever had:cry: Its amazing how quiet it can get without that old dog sleeping at my feet. It was fun explaining to others why we named the dog after a tree. Maybe the next Lab will be a Chocolate so I can keep it syrup related. Im thinking "Scorch" would be appropriate:)

maple marc
03-10-2010, 07:47 AM
Haynes, I am very sorry for your loss. Our animal friends are an important part of our lives. Keep your friend in your heart. At a time like this I would find a copy of "The Rainbow Bridge" and read it again.


red maples
03-10-2010, 07:56 AM
it's always tough to loose a good buddy. a few years ago I lost 2 dogs in 1 year. my German shepard was 14(old for a shepard) front half was great but had a spinal cord disease and was a nursing nightmare...best dog I ever had.

10 months later my alaskan malamute got cancer!! but he was big $$$$$ to get diagnosed. now I have the husky and he's an idiot. I love him but he's still an idiot.

Haynes Forest Products
03-10-2010, 08:54 AM
My buddy sent me the poem from his vet. I couldnt read it so my 9 year old did. Its the Norse legend its great.

03-10-2010, 12:42 PM
Haynes, We just went through our pets death 2 months ago. Was a great dog. She started haveing trouble with no energy and her breathing wasn't right. Wife took her to the vet where they diagnosed her. We treated her for a week with iv's at home and meds. Was getting worse so my wife took her in again where they drew blood again and while they were waiting the results nutzer died in my wife's arms. The results came back lymes diesease which wasn't what they said at first. One of the hardest things to do was to watch my wife carry nutzer in a homemade coffin and for me to dig a grave in our flower bed. We know exactly how you feel. looseing pets is rough.

03-11-2010, 11:16 AM
Haynes, sorry for your loss - they really become part of the family. Have a 6 year old Golden and dread that day - so we enjoy every day we have. Just love that dog.

06-09-2010, 09:55 PM
Yep - I think caring for our dogs while they are here and missing them when they are gone helps to round us out as Human Beings. Three of our old friends are buried on the side of the hill near the house and I always say a prayer and remember them when I go by their spot when gathering sap or picking up firewood. Our latest dog - Lizzy - is sleeping along side of me as I type this - snoring away and having her puppy dreams. Guess I'd better end this and have a few dreams of my own ....... later

farmall h
06-10-2010, 05:55 PM
Haynes...went up on the maple orchard hill and paid a visit to my 'ol friend Cyrus once I saw Ausable's post. Thank you for starting this thread.:)

06-10-2010, 06:34 PM
Sorry for your loss. Love the name for thedog too. I had a neighbor that had three boston terriers when I was growing up. Everyone of them had the name "happy" and each one was different in its own way......
I had a dog growing up, her name was missy. cross between a black lab and german shorthair..great mix. she was every kids dream dog. She lived for 14 years I believe. Parents put her down my not too long after I got to my first year of college. When they called to tell me I cried in my bed for a good hour..they can really effect you that is for sure....

Haynes Forest Products
06-10-2010, 11:31 PM
When I needed a place for my first dog back in 78 I had a friend bring in a 4 X 8 slab from his quarry and all the dogs have a resting place in the woods. Its better than I will get:o :lol:

ryan marquette
06-11-2010, 08:46 PM
Haynes, sorry to hear about Maple. On another note we were camping in Door County on memorial weekend & the family & I were driving around & I saw a sign in the middle of no where that said Haynes. I think I might have found your hide out? Sorry to change the subject, I thought that was pretty neat.

Haynes Forest Products
06-11-2010, 11:00 PM
Ryan Sounds like you were driving south out of Jaksonport on Cavepoint Dr right side of the road. That would be the cabin road you past the Sap shack road 200 ft up:o What were you doing in my neck of the woods? What do you camp in? are you a purist and use a tent?

ryan marquette
06-22-2010, 10:05 PM
Haynes we were camping @ Yogi Bear in Sturgeon Bay & just went for a ride. It was the first time I was in Door County & it was as nice as everyone says. I was surprised how many beautiful hard maples were up there. I thought it was supposed to be all cherry trees. We took the kids to Cana Island Lighthouse. They got a kick out of that. We have a 5th wheel camper. The camper is so comfortable & convenient. I really feel bad for the tenters when they pack up in the middle of the night in the poring rain & go home or when they are panting like a dog in the hot sun.

Haynes Forest Products
06-23-2010, 08:33 AM
Ryan If you explore the county you will need a week. Did you make it out to Cave Point park? If so that is the road the cabin and sap shack is on. You might have have stopped at the Maritime Museum we donated the big ships anchor on display out front back when diving was my passion :)

TF Maple
06-23-2010, 09:14 AM
I was at Cave Point last Saturday, we went up the East side and down the West side of the thumb and back home. Most of the trips to Cave Point in the past, the waves were fairly calm but this time there were about 3 footers coming in from the ENE and making that whoof noise and spraying water back out of the caves about 20 feet. I would like to see what the big waves do, it was pretty cool with small waves.

Stopped at a couple wineries to taste a few samples. This was my first trip through the tourist traps since I started making maple syrup so I was watching for syrup prices. One winery had some that was $10.95 for a pint and $18.95 for a quart.

Haynes Forest Products
06-23-2010, 04:15 PM
TF Maple When things are calm around the main cave we jump of the ledge.............yup beer is involved. You went right by my place. Wood sign that says HAYNES.

Brad W Wi
06-23-2010, 05:00 PM
Haynes, I know what your going through. I lost my best friend a black lab by the name of "Angus" 1.5 years ago.Best dog I ever had. I got another one"Otis" he's got a ways to go but I'm glad I got him. Use Maples name and be proud of it. Good luck and if you can find it in your heart get another, it does help.

ryan marquette
06-23-2010, 05:07 PM
Haynes we didn't go to Cave Point Park, next time. We are going to go back up there for the 4th of July. Where is the Maritime Museum? Haynes where are you located in Colorado I have a friend that lives in South Fork.

Haynes Forest Products
06-23-2010, 06:33 PM
Ryan Aint the South Fork in Texas:o Im ion Parker about 35 miles south of down town denver. The Museum is right next to the old bridge in town. We found the anchor in Baileys Harbor it is from the 1800s it had a broken clevis so we think the ship was in a storm and broke loose. If you do get up to Door on the 4th and you happen to be at the parade in Bailerys Harbor You will find me in front of Florians supper club. Im the bald guy with the kids up on the Reviewing stand/deer stand/play structure that I tow down and park on the street to watch the parade:)

A dog is in the plans just looking for the right time and one....it will be soon

TF Maple
06-24-2010, 09:31 AM
TF Maple When things are calm around the main cave we jump of the ledge.............yup beer is involved. You went right by my place. Wood sign that says HAYNES.

I have been there when people were jumping in and kayakers were paddling in for a closer look at the caves. That day nobody was jumping in but some kids looked like they came to do that..but just looked and changed their mind. Kayaks were also staying pretty far out where the waves weren't breaking. The warm water blew out from shore so it would have been a cold surprise for anyone taking a dip in the lake.

I guess I'm too new at this maple syrup stuff... I don't have a habit of looking for other syrup makers yet so I missed your sign. I also wasn't watching for syrup at the tourist traps until I was at the one winery with honey, and that made me think of syrup.

Hope you find a nice dog soon!