View Full Version : to much vac?

maple sapper
03-04-2010, 08:33 AM
Other then colapsing your main line, can one have to much vac? I have a smaller pipeline system at the moment but will be expanding. I really dont want to be buying multiple pumps either. Can you have to big of a pump? Or are these things self regulating? Is there also a quick formula to figure out size?

03-04-2010, 09:26 AM
if your going to buy a new pump it will have a regulator on it, ask your dealer to make sure, but an oversized pump for your woods isnt great, if your system is small right now go pick up a dairy pump some where, any dairy barn that went under is bound to have at least one it it if not 4! and most of the time depending on the pump you can pick it up for 1 or 2 hundred bucks, i bet if i talked to my neighbor he would give me one out of his barn, they dont pull high vacuum but, from what i have found with mine only pulling between 7 and 9" this year, HOLY CRAP! im getting more sap out of 8" of vac in 1 day than i could get from gravity in 2 so i guess just start small with a cheep dairy pump expand, until you out grow it and then when your where you want to be in tap size buy a good pump for high vacuum, if thats what you want, personally i dont see the need for high vac but what do i know this is my first year with it

03-04-2010, 12:48 PM
Wouldn't a big pump suck the same as a small one just that it gets to the desired vaccum faster and dosn't have to work as hard to keep it there. if you set it for 20 inches it should suck 20 inches not 40 or what ever.

maple sapper
03-04-2010, 01:59 PM
I totally get what you stated and am a bit puzzled I didnt think of that myself being the methodical guy I usually am. I guess what you stated about being able to keep it steady or keep up with leaks is worth thinking about. Also the size of the pump could determin how much energy comsumption you going to have. So oversized=wasted power, undersized means burn it up.