View Full Version : Value of pan and barrel stove

maple sapper
03-02-2010, 01:12 PM
I have a "use it as long as you need" agreement with a friend to use his barrel stove and stainless home made 2x3 x6" deep flat bottom pan with a home made preheater pan. I have done alot of mods myself to make it work for me. All that asside, the guy messages me yesterday that he wants to list it on craigs list and before he did I have a shot at it to buy. So 4 boils into the season he tells me this. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! So, he is going to call me tonight when he mentally comes up with what he wants. This is where your imput would be good. What do you think is the value of the unit sight unseen I know. Keep in mind, when I got it it was a very rusty looking thing with a few sections of pipe. Not really pretty.

sap seeker
03-02-2010, 02:29 PM
Nice timing....:rolleyes: $250

03-02-2010, 02:37 PM
Probably waited until the demand was highest. Good business move on his part, but he could have let you know well before now. Not the best "friend move".

Pans $200 maybe and a little extra for the stove set-up. I'd go along with that $250 mark. I don't think you should pay for the mods you made though, and if he sells it out from under you, you should get a little kick back on those improvements.

03-02-2010, 06:18 PM
let us know when he list it so we can make some low ball offers to help you out lol.

Clan Delaney
03-02-2010, 06:18 PM
Hmmmm. Now I'm starting to think I over paid for mine. I bought a used, rusty, kinda warped barrel stove and pan this summer for $450. No brick, 2'X3'x6" homemade reversible channel pan with drawoff valve, modified SS sink with spigot as preheater, and eh, 4 feet of stack good for one more season.

But you should quote your "friend" the $250. :rolleyes:

And if he wants more than you're willing to pay, make sure he sells what he gave you. Keep those mods for your next setup.

03-02-2010, 07:12 PM
give it back and order a pan from www.stainlesssteelcreations.net (http://www.stainlesssteelcreations.net) a band new pan 36x24x7 goes for 300.

maple sapper
03-02-2010, 07:31 PM
You can be sure that any of my mods are staying with me i.e. float, float arm, grates, bricks, cermaic blankets, blower and piping, extended preheater piping, Im even tempted to grind out the smoke shelf at this point. This could ruin a friend ship. I have no interest in letting it go personally, I worked this arraingement to work for me and its almost mid season. So, changing it out for something else is not in my mind. I may sell some stuff this year and get a whole new rig for next year if this gets ugly.

Also on the craigs list approach of low ball that would be so cool..:D

03-02-2010, 11:16 PM
Well here is my 2 cents. I see you are some wheres around 200 taps right now. That 2x3 setup is way to small. I would approach the "friend" with the upgrades you made and the amount you invested in it. Use that to your advantage and see if he will put in the add available at the end of the season and that you want some return on your improvements since it increased the value of it. Take that money and stick it right in a 2x6 and go tap some more trees next year.

maple sapper
03-07-2010, 08:05 PM
I spoke to the guy tonight and he says give me an offer right now and maybe I will go for it. I say $250. He sounded pretty insulted. He was mentioning that its a $700 rig and pan. But thats when new. He says he will take no less then $400. So Im on the fence of telling him to come get it. He mentioned he has to sell it now for obvious reasons. Selling in the summer makes it a dead sale. So I may counter for $325. So if he values his time and driving to come and picture it and list it then come back and pick it up then $75 of his time is about that.