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View Full Version : A couple of first year questions (yellow sap and warm nights)

03-01-2010, 08:43 PM
Ok guys, I have taken advantage of the first early run here in Michigan, Now the second (larger I would assume) is on I have 2 questions.

I read conflicting advise on yellow tinted sap. The run has just started here and I can go to the same tree and one jug is clear as water and the other tap in the same tree has a very slight yellow tint. Its not cloudy, there was no rain or water dripping in the jug, the jugs were emptied at the same time, just one has a very slight yellow color, I know I read at the end of the season the sap can run yellow, but its just getting started here.....so should I mix this in or dump it? My first batch which tastes awsome i mixed the yellow in and it seemed fine. Whats your thoughts?

The other question, How many days (approx) with night time temps above freezing will mark the end of the run and or season? The weather after this week, here in west Michigan looks to be 45-50 daytime and 40 night time. I am not sure how long this will last because the 7 day forcast is as far out as I can get. I would assume being Michigan it WILL cool off after that back down to below freezing at night. Afterall its only early March.

Thanks for the help!

Chris W
03-01-2010, 09:21 PM
This is my first year too. I collected sap today for the first time and noticed the same thing. One tree has clear sap, while another has slightly yellowish tint sap. I can't offer any answers since it is my first year but I'll be monitoring this thread. I already combined them all together in my storage. I also have some trees that aren't producing any sap at all. Do you have this same issue or did I tap a telephone pole by accident? :)

03-01-2010, 09:30 PM
the season ends when the sap stops running or turns buddy flavor, the weather could slow it down just hope you get some freezing night after, you can get a 15 day forcast from accuweater.com

03-01-2010, 09:46 PM
We are in the same boat here in New York. We have not had a good freeze in about four days. My lines are dripping a bit but nothing worth talking about. I think we are just having a little thaw. The middle of this week are looking really good for the first strong run. Its going to be low forties in the day time and low 20s at night for about a week straight. That should get things rolling. As far as yellow sap I have never had it on my lines but have had them on buckets. Ive found this is water running down the tree and getting into the bucket. Buckets can be rough in the late spring because of rain and those darn black bugs. As for your forecast try accuweather they have a 15 day and 30 day planner that runs off past year averages.


03-01-2010, 09:58 PM
This is my first year too. I collected sap today for the first time and noticed the same thing. One tree has clear sap, while another has slightly yellowish tint sap. I can't offer any answers since it is my first year but I'll be monitoring this thread. I already combined them all together in my storage. I also have some trees that aren't producing any sap at all. Do you have this same issue or did I tap a telephone pole by accident? :)

Yea I have 2 trees within spitting distance, 1 I have to empty jugs (1 gallon) 2 times per day, the other gets about 1/2" of sap per day......... so yea Maybe trees that keep hitting the snooze button.

I checked the "yellowish" taps and the tree is dry, there has been no precip for 4 days now so its not water in the jugs. I havent noticed if its always the same taps or not giving off the yellowish sap, I will check more carefully the next few days.

As far as the weather goes, my forcest shows at least 3 nights in a row next weekend that the temps will get no lower than 37-40. I guess i am wondering if that is enough to end the good sap or will it continue on after the temps go back to below freezing at night.

03-01-2010, 11:27 PM
You can get yellow sap during any warm spell. It does not necessarily signify the end of the season. When you hear the peepers, you know the season is over. You will also see the poplar buds starting to look like pussy willows.

03-02-2010, 07:36 PM
I looked at accuweather and the 15 day forecast for White Cloud area looks like high in high 40's to low in high 20's. So I am hoping that keeps things about right.

03-05-2010, 10:15 AM
wow what perfect weather!

45 day and 20 night....I bet those in Michigan are hopping right about now. I know I am, would be nice if my sugar bush was on my property but I live in town.....so I leave collection buckets and both places I have taps and they empty as needed then I just run 1 time per day and collect....ALOT more sap when its not draining on the ground for 6-8 hrs a day!

I do have one other question. My first batch I stopped, and started again and it turned out great. I searched and could not find any info, on how many times I can stop and start a batch. I am using a single pan, so no chambers. I know it can make the syrup darker, which is fine as its not for sale. Can I run like say start mon finish Wed afternoon and just shut down for 4-5 hrs each night?

I have a friend that knows 2 guys that do syrup, that we will visit next week....should be fun.(one guy is between what I am doing and the pros, other guy is a pro) I know by next week, I may have more sap than I can manage.....already looking for more options......:lol: