View Full Version : First time mishap (or, "In Praise of Panasonic")

02-28-2010, 07:23 PM
Hey Gang,

So this weekend I boiled off my first 50 gallons of sap on my first homemade cement-block evaporator. My $6 Home Depot pans worked great. Boring stuff for you old-timers, but I did end up with a funny story I thought some of you would get a kick out of.

Several hours in I was in "sit back and watch" mode, and decided to make a call to my dad on my cordless phone. While we were talking, I had to re-fill the pre-heater pot. So I was standing right next to the rig, holding a hose from the sap tank and filling the pot, with the phone held between my ear and shoulder. Just then the phone slipped from my shoulder, and dropped straight into the boiling sap! Luckily I was wearing leather gloves, so I quickly reached in and grabbed it. I shook it off and put it to my ear, and said hello. "Hello?" my dad replied. The phone still worked and we talked for another 20 minutes! Guess I'll keep buying Panasonic phones!

And the syrup turned out excellent.

02-28-2010, 07:41 PM
Obviously it was a food grade phone. :lol:

I had a Motorola slip out of my pocket and landed in the lake. Sat in 2 feet of water for 10 seconds. Worked fine for a year and a half afterward, after acting goofy for the first couple days.

02-28-2010, 08:55 PM
i have lost 4 or 5 phone in septic tanks you don't go in for them that is there new home

02-28-2010, 09:07 PM
thats one sweet phone ya got there!! LOL

02-28-2010, 09:08 PM
My new cell phone I got 2 or 3 months ago is a Motorola Quantico and it is shockproof and waterproof.

02-28-2010, 09:27 PM
But is it 219 degrees proof??? :o

02-28-2010, 09:34 PM
The big question here is.....IS IT FOOD GRADE?

02-28-2010, 09:43 PM
For some reason my cell likes to jump into the lake when I am fishing. Bought the motorola phone that the military uses and is suppose to be industractable. While cutting wood one day I backed the tractor up to a log to skid out then heard the phoe faintly ringing. Darn if I could find it. Walked home grabbed she who must be obeyed cell and went back. After calling myself a few times I found it under sitting on a flat rock sitting under the rear tire of the tractor. Still got it and works just fine. Funny thing is the name of the phone is the boulder.

02-28-2010, 10:57 PM
I allways carried my cell phone in my left chest overalls pocket as it had a snap button. Had the slats out of the floor in one of the hog barns and when I went to jump over the hole I slipped on that stuff lays around pig barns and fell into the hole. I came down on the edge if the hole on my chest and broke two ribs becasue of the phone and the stupid thing never flinched.

03-01-2010, 09:39 PM
For some reason my cell likes to jump into the lake when I am fishing. Bought the motorola phone that the military uses and is suppose to be industractable. While cutting wood one day I backed the tractor up to a log to skid out then heard the phoe faintly ringing. Darn if I could find it. Walked home grabbed she who must be obeyed cell and went back. After calling myself a few times I found it under sitting on a flat rock sitting under the rear tire of the tractor. Still got it and works just fine. Funny thing is the name of the phone is the boulder.

It's the Motorola Quantico I referred to earlier.