View Full Version : Cloudy Syrup ??

Maple Ridge
02-28-2010, 11:14 AM
I finished off 2.5 Gal of syrup today. Brought it up to 66 Brix, filtered using a cone filter with pre filter and when it was in the pan, it was clear. I brought it up to my kitchen and had all the bottles washed and dryed. When I brought the finish product back up to 180 deg. and started filling the bottles it was cloudy. The syrup that was not reheated stayed clear. Does someone have an idea what may have happened? This is a first for me. All my other years it stayed clear, but I didn't reheat it either.

02-28-2010, 11:38 AM
I finished off 2.5 Gal of syrup today. Brought it up to 66 Brix, filtered using a cone filter with pre filter and when it was in the pan, it was clear. I brought it up to my kitchen and had all the bottles washed and dryed. When I brought the finish product back up to 180 deg. and started filling the bottles it was cloudy. The syrup that was not reheated stayed clear. Does someone have an idea what may have happened? This is a first for me. All my other years it stayed clear, but I didn't reheat it either.

I think niter got reintroduced while warming it back up, especially if you brought the temp up fast. Happens to me occasionally too.

02-28-2010, 01:15 PM
i would say that you prob. reheated it too fast.

Haynes Forest Products
02-28-2010, 02:33 PM
What did you reheat it with? As Stated reheating something can be tricky. If you cranked the heat on high so there was boiling of the sap on the bottom of the pan but you cant see it that can cause it. Was the reheater making alot of noise as it heated:mad:

Maple Ridge
02-28-2010, 06:12 PM
I think you all may be correct. I redid the batch by adding some raw sap and bring it back up to 66 Brix. After straining it again it became clear again. I think I did reintroduce niter back into the batch. I thought I lost the batch, but saved it. Nice looking light amber. Thank you all for your replies.