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View Full Version : Cup/Hydrometer Mismatch?

Frank Ivy
02-27-2010, 01:02 PM
I just bought a Leader hydrometer (impulse purchase - unlike me :emb:) and SS tube cup.

The hydrometer is about 9" tall and about 3/4" wide at the widest point.
The cup is about 12" tall and about 2" in diameter.

Given that I'm a hobby producer and I'll likely be finishing everything in a big pot on a stove, the cup seems way too big.

The cup only needs to be a bit wider than the hydrometer and about 3/4 as tall - does that sound correct?


Oh yes, and the hydrometer has two red lines - one for cold test, one for hot. The cold test line (60 degrees) is at 66.7-66.9 ish. The hot test (211) line is around 59.

Am I assuming correctly that I get the syrup to the hot test line during the boil to check solids and that the reason it is around 59 brix is because the hydrometer is actually calibrated at 60 degrees and the hot test line compensates for temp but will actually give me the 66 brix I need?


Can I assume that the

02-27-2010, 02:13 PM
Something like that. Hot os hot cold is cold. Hot syrup is more liquid then cold syrup so explains the difference.

02-27-2010, 02:56 PM
Ayup that cup is a bit large for a guy doing batches on the kitchen stove. It's that big to give a large enough sample size for consistent results. As soon as you scoop out or draw off boiling syrup into a cup it starts to cool down and you want enough in the cup to hold the hot test temperature long enough for you to read it. If you had a cup just big enough to fit in the hydrometer you would have to be very fast and consistent about how you did things and maybe even keep track of the temperature as you tested which is what the fanciest hydrometer cups do. In your case you may have a quarter of your batch in the cup at one time but that won't do any harm. It's nice to know your product comes up to the standard and not be guessing about it.

Haynes Forest Products
02-27-2010, 04:47 PM
KenWP did you really say that Hot Syrup is more liquid? Did you mean Thinner, Less viscosity,:lol: Didnt mean to pick on you.........................OK yes I did;)

02-27-2010, 05:11 PM
Hmmmmmmm I would come up with a retort to that one but I might confuse you further. There is liquid and then there is liqiud. Thick liquid and thin liquid. So hot syrup is more liquidy then cold syrup. Viscosity just isn't a good enough verb.

Frank Ivy
02-27-2010, 09:49 PM
Wait? So what's the thought?

Should I get a 1" diameter cup?

02-27-2010, 09:56 PM
Just stick with what you have is the answer. The smaller cup is harder to work with.