View Full Version : More snow

maple flats
02-26-2010, 05:37 AM
This is our first REAL snowstorm of the season. Yesterday I removed 8" in the AM, then worked at the sugarhouse. I came home for lunch and blew out about 6" more. When I came home at about 5 I had to remove about 10" more. This morning I have about another foot to remove. I sure hope the snow blower will handle it, this stuff is very heavy with temps at 34 degrees. I always have more than my share to clean up too, I am the first house around a corner, with a side street beside me. The city cleans the side first and plows it onto my street. Then they do my street and put their wing down plowing about 80% of the width right into the mouth of my driveway. Right now I have a pile about 4' deep in the mouth of the driveway, while the other side has nothing. When the plows do the rest they will have a foot or less. This is a lesson to me and anyone who will listen, don't buy the first house around a corner if the side street is plowed first. After I build my new house out where my sugarhouse is I will be over .3 miles from the corner and there I will be able to use my tractor and loader.
How much snow do others get from this storm? My total I had to remove is at about 34-36" of heavy wet snow. When I get to the sugarhouse I'll need to clear about 18-20" down there. That will take a few hours if I clear the entire drive and the parking lot, including my big circular drive loop. Some of it might wait until Sat.

02-26-2010, 09:54 AM
Missed us again for the most part. They were saying 12+ and we got 4 or 5 inches if that. I do a part time gig as a wingman on the town plow, and we went out twice already this morning, and because of the wind, we'll likely go out again after lunch.

02-26-2010, 10:06 AM
This is our third storm in Medina, Ohio. Got about 5-6inches last night (SNOWDAY) and it's still coming down! Supposed to get another 3-5 today. C'mon Spring! Were just getting rid of the 15 inches from other storms!

02-26-2010, 11:02 AM
Hi Dave - plowed about a foot before going to bed last night and had close to another foot this morning. The snow overnight had allot of moisture content. Gonna have to go with the snowblower from here on out - no more room to use the plow.

Dave - have you tapped yet? If so, you getting any sap? Yet to tap here.

02-26-2010, 08:51 PM
We got about 2 feet at our place from this storm, probably aroud 3 feet out in the woods total I was planning on tapping tomorrow but I think I will try to hunt down a pair of snowshoes first.

03-01-2010, 08:49 PM
who in their right mind calls off work and school for 5" of snow? In northern New Hampshire that's just getting things started!! :lol: