View Full Version : Removing Fittings

02-25-2010, 05:09 PM
I am new to this and tapped for the first time last year. I used 5/16" tree saver spouts, fittings and max flex tubing. My question is, and I apologize I have not found the answer in past threads, what is the easiest way to separate the fittings from the tubing? It's starting to drive me nuts. Also, prior to pulling the tubing tight, should the barbed outlet on the spout be turned in orientation with the tubing or pointed down? Seems like it would want to rotate the spout. Anyone know of a dealer close by to Crown Point, NY or Middlebury,VT or somewhere in between? Thanks.

Uncle Tucker
02-27-2010, 06:19 AM
To remove the tubing from fittings, stick in boiling watter and pull. I would only do this after you cut the fitting off the tubing because the tubing will be stretched out and not reusable.

02-27-2010, 07:03 AM
I use a pair of diagonal cutters (dykes) to remove fittings in the woods. It takes some practice, but you nibble away at the plastic being careful to avoid nicking the barbed fittings.

02-27-2010, 08:13 AM
You can buy a tool from most maple dealers that is designed to cut through the tubing and not destroy the barbs. The knife portion has notches that match the barbs. I copied one and built it myself, but its probably much cheaper to buy one:)

Chris C.

02-27-2010, 02:59 PM
I believe there is a dealer in Granville. I'm sorry I don't remember the name. Otherwise It's a trip to Rutland to Leader/Grimm.

Mike in NY
03-02-2010, 11:46 AM
utility knife will knick the tubing and even if not completely cut the fitting can be removed

farmall h
03-03-2010, 07:57 PM
Try using the 5/16 tubing cutters. Cut tubing as close to end of fitting as possible-open cutters as wide as necessary so the point of the blade reaches to the tip of tubing...put slight pressure on blade and slide back ...scoring through half the length of tube to be cut...peel open and off it comes. With practice it 's real easy and fast. ;)