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View Full Version : Covering the pans between boils

02-24-2010, 07:19 AM
I feel like I should cover my pans between boils to keep dust and other stuff out. I may go as long as 7 days between boils. Any recommendations on what to use? Reluctant to use plywood due to the condensation.

02-24-2010, 07:37 AM
I wait for everthing to cool (next morning) then cover with a clean plywood cover, I cut thick cardbord for my float boxes, with a small hole in the middle to accomadate the float level control. There will be no condensation this way. That way when I sweep or vaccuum I'm not getting dust in the pans... I agree... I won't leave em uncovered for any period of time...I see you have a 2 x 6 maple pro... I have the smaller 20 x 66 how do you like yours?

Haynes Forest Products
02-24-2010, 08:53 AM
Is your evap inside a shack?? I cover mine with covers and dont worry about the condensation its the posibility of critters I dont like. I also take this this time to clean the pan so I cover them to keep the liquids seperate.

02-24-2010, 10:42 AM
I'm in a shack so no need to worry about rain but I was worried about critters too, and dust and curious little kids.

Haynes, what kind of covers do you use?

Mac, this 2x6 is brand new to me and with only 50 taps out, I am only sweetening the pans at this point. Hopefully get another 50-60 out this coming weekend. When I had my first boil last week I discovered leaks in both float boxes and think I had the o-rings improperly seated. Drained, reseated and refilled... no leaks so far.

I tell you though, when I fired it up, it was impressive. I just stood there in awe.

Fred Henderson
02-24-2010, 11:16 AM
I have a hood over the flue pan so I use a piece of SS sheet over the syrup pan.

02-24-2010, 12:21 PM
Just thought of a lttle tib bit I would share on this thread. After I got my new evap and pans I cleaned em boiled with Baking soda flushed em, dryed them. Looking for a quick way to cover them till the season started I got some "Glad" "press'n seal" kinda like a new fangled cling wrap, as it will seal pretty well, so I covered both pans with it till i had time to make some permenant covers.....well ..when I took it off the SS Pans it left like a residue on the stainless that would not wash off with water. Left my shinney new pans looking like crap. I did find a commercialy available product that took it off, but I was planning on drinking that not using it at a cleaner.

02-24-2010, 02:38 PM
Plexiglass, of course I only have a half pint.

maple flats
02-24-2010, 04:21 PM
I have a hood over my flue pan and I put a flat aluminum sheet over the syrup pan (left over from making my hood) I also made a cover of sheet aluminum for all 3 float/draw off boxes. Everything is covered.