View Full Version : Cheshire maple tapping

02-23-2010, 05:16 PM
Just wanted to say hi to the group. I have obsessed with this hobby for 3 years now and have stepped up my production this year. I'm located in northern New Haven County and have over 40 Sugar maples of which 5 are over 100 years old!

This year we put in 36 taps (last Thursday). With the new 2x4 evaporator in place I was able to run my first boil which yielded 3/4 gallon of beautiful light-medium amber. It was close to 26 gallons of sap collected over 2 days.

It's snowing this week and collection will have to stop until the weekend.

I just wanted to share my experience with fellow enthusiasts and I appreciate all the posts of which I've read most!

Happy Sugaring!

steve G
GBM 2' x 4' Batch Evaporator

Tanta K
02-23-2010, 07:08 PM
Well, it looks like we're your neighbors in Hamden at Brooksvale Park. I drew off my first 3 quarts today. We have 30 taps. Keep up the good (and sweet work) and have fun!

02-23-2010, 07:27 PM
i think we met last weekend! I brought my son Charlie to visit you on Saturday. What happened to your blog?

Have fun this season!

Tanta K
03-02-2010, 08:22 PM
Instead of a sugaring diary this year as I've done for the past few...I have a blog...didn't know the link was deleted, thanks for letting me know. And thanks for bringing Charlie to visit and...the sweet sample of your syrup you delivered! So, the blog is back!

Brooksvale Park Sugar Shack
Into our 5th straight week of teaching, can I say Nitre once more?
30 taps, running weird, no consistency, moths abundant