View Full Version : Connecticut hobby production

02-23-2010, 05:14 PM
Just wanted to say hi to the group. I have obsessed with this hobby for 3 years now and have stepped up my production this year. I'm located in northern New Haven County and have over 40 Sugar maples of which 5 are over 100 years old!

This year we put in 36 taps last Thursday. With the new 2x4 evaporator in place I was able to run my first boil which yielded 3/4 gallon of beautiful light amber. It was close to 26 gallons of sap collected over 2 days.

It's snowing this week and collection will have to stop until the weekend.

I just wanted to share my experience with fellow enthusiasts and I appreciate all the posts of which I've read most!

Happy Sugaring!

steve G
GBM 2' x 4' Batch Evaporator