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View Full Version : QUICK! question about putting in throw away spouts

02-20-2010, 08:15 PM
Ive bought the throw away spouts that you stick on the end of your standard 5/16 spout, after finishing tightening up ALL the laterals today i had time to put in 21 with my new gas tanaka tapper/ and specialty tapping bit:D what i was doing was puting the throw away on the spout then hammering the spout into the hole, is that right? or are you supposed to hammer the throw away in then twist the old spout onto it? or does it matter? also martin vontrapp is going to run check valve spouts this year on his regular 7/16 20 year old spouts, he was wondering the same thing if he should hammer the check valve in and twist the 7/16 on or if he could just put the check valve on the spout and hammer them both in all in one shot?

Homestead Maple
02-20-2010, 08:20 PM
Put the throw away in first, then put your spout on next with a quarter turn. You'll have a very hard time separating the two later if you drive the two together.

02-20-2010, 08:27 PM
So how well does this gas tapper work. Is it heavy when you have it over your head tapping the end trees.

02-20-2010, 11:11 PM
I use the 5/16" spout adapters over the 7/16" spouts and I just twist everything in by hand and never use a hammer. You can always give it another twist if you see any wet spots around the tap.

02-21-2010, 07:41 PM
I use those also i put the adapter in first then the spile with a couple soft hit with a hammer, i never really had any problem separting them at the end of season yet.

02-23-2010, 01:04 PM
So how well does this gas tapper work. Is it heavy when you have it over your head tapping the end trees.

In my experience, they are very heavy and the 2-stroke fumes drop your IQ by the minute! Once we went to battery drills you couldn't pay me to go back to the Tanaka.