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View Full Version : Soot: dealing with it

02-19-2010, 02:37 PM
Ok, so I'm a batch guy on steam pans, but I know others have to deal with soot as well.

It seems like just a few square inches of soot from the side of my pan has the ability to dirty to full blackness a full roll or paper towels.

How do you clean off soot?

I made the fatal mistake of putting a used steam table pan in the dishwasher...don't ever do this, folks. The soot coated everything for several washes later. Persistent stuff!


02-19-2010, 03:03 PM
Hey Groves -

Take them to the car wash and use the pressure sprayer. (Assuming you have a truck to haul them. Don't put them in the car!) This is how I cleaned my kettles last year.

Bucket Head
02-19-2010, 04:37 PM
"In the dishwasher". Ouch!!

I use "Super Clean", in a purple jug, a stiff bristled brush, and lots of water. Drag the garden hose and pans out away from the house in a spot in the yard where nobody (pets too) walks and have at it.

Oh yeah, wear old clothes and shoes too. Do you have anything thats "not suitable for wearing in public"? If so, wear them. If you don't have any clothes like that, you will soon. Good luck.
