View Full Version : Tapped in Monson

02-18-2010, 07:23 PM
After watching the 10 day forecast I could not wait any longer... tapped 120+ this afternoon (30 more tomorrow) the sap was flowing really good (immediately in fact). Tried to tap south side of most of the big roadside trees. Dare I say, first boil this weekend if tomorrow is flowing as good as today. We tapped this early last year too...so I feel we are in line and not too early. Sophomore year is underway.

Game on fellas...good luck this season.

02-22-2010, 07:56 PM
Bryon how was your weekend? What kind of improvements have you made to your operation? hope every things working out well for you.
good luck

02-23-2010, 06:27 AM
Good Luck Bryon! this may be the year!!as they say...BIGSAP!!