View Full Version : All set to go

02-16-2010, 08:44 PM
Got all my stuff together now, gonna go out in the snow tomorrow and start tapping. Plan to put 30 taps out using tubing into 5gallon buckets set on ground with snow mounded up around them. Hopefully this will keep sap cool till the weekends when i can boil. Got 2 double burner gas stoves with a full size buffet pan for each and a stock pot will fit next to the pans. Not sure but may try to make some sort of makeshift shack. Happy Tapping!!! Thank You all for your postings . This forum is a great source of information.
RIP TYD Laconia NH

02-18-2010, 07:57 AM
If this ends up as a good season weather wise and sap wise you are going to be challanged with a rig like that LOL.

If we have a so-so season you will be ok.

I wouldn't put more than 2 taps per bucket either.

My set up is no more than a barrel stove with a home made pan divided to 3 sectons. I run 35 taps and buckets the old way. Each bucket is drilled to slip over the tap, and just hang out.

Today I will wash all the buckets out from summers dusts, and get to tapping.

Good luck and lets hope this season is better than the last 2.