View Full Version : May Journal......
05-18-2003, 11:54 AM
So just wondering whats on everyones agenda for may....?
We have been gathering lots of wood, I cut up about 3 cords yesterday, and rented a splitter today, man it's still alot of work but better than by hand. we are hopefully taking the cover off the pool next week.. Soccer ends this week.. baseball starts next week... boy kids take up alot of weekend time but good time spent together.
We are also starting making plans for summer camping... a stop at Brandons in west virginia and check out his new evaporator.. and a stop up to Rick syrupmakers place also.
Hope everyones spring is going well!!!!
YOU TALK TOO MUCH !! :roll: :roll:
05-18-2003, 08:02 PM
sorry guest if we offend you...don't look at the posts if you don't want to see talk :o
Thanks for the invite Jeremy... not sure if we'll be up that way.
05-18-2003, 09:11 PM
I am working on getting a large concrete floor poured to set my new evaporator on. I have already gotten in about 5+ cords of wood for next year that is already dry as powder and ready to burn. I am also working on getting tubing ran for next year.
I am looking forward to going and getting all my new equipment on June 7th if it works out, so it is an exciting time. I have also got to build a cupola for the steam since I have never used one in the past and install the stainless roof jack I got with my evaporator to run the flue pipe. Lots to do and sure is exciting!
I was able to pick up a used Tanaka 262L gasoline drill on ebay a couple of days ago. I took it out and tried it out yesterday in a couple of trees that weren't maples beside my house and it is awesome. It drills a 2.5 inch hole in a tree in about 3 seconds. I did order a new titanium coated tapping bit from bascoms and it works fabulous. The drill is very low speed and is 1.3 hp and is unbelievably powerful. I used an 18volt cordless drill in the past and it is a joke beside the Tanaka.
I have also got to purchase a Tanaka water pump. All of the Maple suppliers carry them but I can get them on the Internet for $ 309 or $319 which is a ton cheaper than the maple suppliers and is the same model.
Lots of other things to do including building a support for the 320 gallon round bottom Lapierre stainless tank I am getting with the evaporator and a table area to use with my SS canning tank I am getting also.
It will all get done in due time and hopefully I can have most of it done by the time you and your family come down in July! Can't wait to see you all! :D :D :D :D :D
05-19-2003, 08:13 AM
I started digging holes for the foundation piers for my woodshed but the black flies are bad now. Mosquitos are next so probably most work won't get done until later in the summer. I can only do this on weekends since my sugarbush is 40 miles away and mostly down a bad road.
Brandon, Where do you get that Tanaka pump price?
05-19-2003, 09:33 AM
Brandon, Are you picking your stuff up here in Vt? If so let me know and ifs my day off ill give you a hand loading... As for my May plans, I should have a deposit on my new 3x10 by the end of next week if not sooner..Ill be pouring a slab for the sugar house extension as soon as it dries up.And i still have about 7 acres of corn to plant...I hope to go oil and if so ill sell my tractor withs a 3 pt wood splitter....hint hint......If anyones interested...I bought a tanaka 26 drill on ebay for $275, like new condition...runs great.... good place to buy tanaka stuff....
05-19-2003, 11:03 AM
The best way to get the tanaka prices is to go to Yahoo and type in Tanaka pump under the search and the websites will come up. has it for $ 309 and Ketchum-Hurricane has it for $ 319. :D :D :D
Hope this helps!
05-19-2003, 11:06 AM
I am going to pick up my new equipment from a Amish dealer in the southern-most edge of PA. Vermont is a long, long, long haul for me, so it will save me a ton of time. I want to get up that way some time and see everything and meet some of you guys, but it may be a while.
Thanks so much for the offer to help! :D :D :D I sure would enjoy meeting you!
P.S Sure is a nice evaporator you sold Jim(mapleman3). :D :D
05-19-2003, 06:23 PM
I'm still cutting trees. I'm almost at the 1/2 way point. I got more firewood than I know what to do with. Need any? I'm going to have to cut my new cement floor under the arch and dig down 4 ft. and pour a large footer for the front of the arch " thanks to the frost" I got a vacuum pump and 8000 more feet of line and tubing coming. I'll have about 5 miles of tubing and lines in the woods when I'm done.
05-19-2003, 06:49 PM
Sure send some wood down this way... :wink:
I think I am going to talk to one of the people I tap trees from, they have a lot of acerage behind them with hopefully alot of maples... maybe I can use it and run a small pipeline... Ive seen the .35 cent per tap price which doesn't seem too bad to lease them
Boy you guys are doing some really big upgrades. I'm going to build a 10x10 shed with a sloped ceiling starting at 10 and going down to 8 foot. All with scrape wood that I've begged, borrowed ,or promised maple syrup in trade for. :D Have to figure out the best way to put in the opening in the roof. Any suggestions? Then I have to recut my drum to hold the new pans I bought from Jim. Cut wood, thin out my maples and convince the wife after next season I need a real evaporator. :wink: Made some labels for my syrup containers all seven that I made this year!!! :D
Holu Cow I better get to work!!
Take care,
Boy you guys are doing some really big upgrades. I'm going to build a 10x10 shed with a sloped ceiling starting at 10 and going down to 8 foot. All with scrape wood that I've begged, borrowed ,or promised maple syrup in trade for. :D Have to figure out the best way to put in the opening in the roof. Any suggestions? Then I have to recut my drum to hold the new pans I bought from Jim. Cut wood, thin out my maples and convince the wife after next season I need a real evaporator. :wink: Made some labels for my syrup containers all seven that I made this year!!! :D
Holy Cow I better get to work!!
Take care,
05-19-2003, 08:25 PM
If you are considering going to a 2 x 6 next year and you will probably want to because you are becoming a sugaraholic and syrupaholic like the rest of us, you should consider building the sugarhouse 2 feet longer if at all possible. You will need the extra 2 feet for a 2 x 6 and it would be much easier to do it now versus having to do it next year when you get a 2 x 6. You won't hardly have enough room to fire it with the building being 10' long and the extra 2' would make it a really nice size building for a 2 x 6. :D :D
Food for thought! :? :?
05-20-2003, 05:09 AM
I have been looking for another 500 or so taps since last year and have not found much. When the maples leaved out this year they were the only thing that had foliage on them so they really stood out. I was able to locate 3 butiful new orchards that no one has been tapping. All 3 have great pitch to a road and 2 of the three have great exposer. The only problem is if I spend the time and money on tubeing to get them all set up (about 700 taps) then it is time and money I dont have for the sugar house??? I would like to get them set up this summer cause the end of feb. begining of march is a real besy logging time for me. I really dont want to truck sap to someone else this year. I guess I will just have to put the nose to the gringstone and make enough $$$to hang lines and build a sugarhouse..
So basically I have been walking in the woods trying to figure where I am going to string my new lines. best to all, Parker
05-20-2003, 06:30 AM
Al, If you need some help with your sugar house let me know.....Illl give you a hand for a day....If you have any pine or hemlock on your property have you thought about cutting some up and having them sawed can get them sawed fairly descent.........
Hi Mike, thanks for the offer. No I don't have enough pine or hemlock on my property. Wish I did!! Liked Brandon's idea of 2x6x12 but have to stay in a tight budget. Had a 24x28 garage built last summer. Then I insulated it and heated it. All after telling the wife all I wanted was a place to but the tractor in.The good news is she enjoys it as much as I do. The boys get out of the house and make projects in the garage not her house. :D After alot of thought I proberly won't be looking for a 2x6 but something smaller so a small shed should do just fine. I'll proberly limit my taps to 40 or 50 at most. :D
Talked to Brain about his rig but he's unsure if he's going to upgrade or not.
Give me a call or stop on by sometime.
05-20-2003, 07:20 AM
Al... as long as it stays fun .... thats what counts!!!!
I wish I had givin myself more time when I was up... I would loved to have seen the place!
05-20-2003, 07:31 AM
I had the same debate when I built my shack and I went 10 by 12 enclosed with a 4 foot porch/overhang (for wood). I love it! As far as this year, I am putting new 2 by eights over the tongue and groove flooring that I have because I plan to buy a 2 by 6. The extra support will be needed. I am going to Bascom to buy a used evaporator (maybe that St. Augustine) within a matter of weeks. I have 7 cord of wood cut (all from the April Ice Storm) and lots more down to clean up deep in the woods. We have our first maple show of the year next weekend. Hope we sell some
Yep Jim that's the plan for now. Going out this weekend to level the ground and put in my corner blocks.
Chris, good luck selling your syrup .If you get to Bascoms and if you have the time take a look at the Smalls Brother 2x4 and give me your opion on it. Thats about the size and price range I'm looking for. I e-mailed them for a picture but haven't gotten a response yet.
05-20-2003, 04:31 PM
I agree that a 16' shed would be better, but I was just telling Al that it would be nearly impossible to put a 2x6 in a 10' building. One thing I know for sure is that you can't have to much space. My dad has a 30 x 60 building and we have dedicated one end to just sugaring. I have a 20 x 30 space and that makes it nice. Maybe some day I will completely close of the end of the building from the rest, but right now I don't have the need and the funds. I have got so much other work to do, I don't want to tackle it. :D
I have a 4 x 8 (aproximatley) firepit made out of 6 x 9 firebrick in the center of my sugaring area. I have used a 3 x 7 flat pan on it in the past and before I had it, I used a 5 x 7 king 4 section syrup pan with a cinderblock fire pit. I am going to make a shelf on top of the 4 x 8 firepit and I may have a sheet of stainless bent to fit down on the top of it and it will make a really nice shelf for canning and other task. Might also use it in the fall to cut of deer on when I am not in syrup season! :D
05-20-2003, 04:34 PM
It sounds like you have a wonderful setup. :D :D Maybe some year I will get up that way and drop in. Maine sure is a long way from WV. :cry:
If you get a chance, you can email me pictures of your setup if you have the capabilities! 8)
05-21-2003, 05:46 PM
Check out NORTHERN Tool & Equipment - - They have 1 " water pump for $229.99 I have one and it works great.
05-21-2003, 08:36 PM
Thanks for the info. I did find the pump. If I am going to spend that much, I might go with the honda pump that they have. It is $ 90.00 more and it is hard to be a Honda. A Honda or Tanaka is supposed to be about the best water pump made. I have never heard of a Robin and I don't know how long the motor would last?? It may be great, I guess it's a personal preference!
Thanks for your help! I didn't know Northern tools had so many pumps! :D
All right here's the final game plan. 10x12 with a side woodshed. Borrowed Chris's idea. It will be big enough with the evaporators I'm looking at. Nothing bigger then a 2x4. :D Tax's and time are the limiting factors now. Two little boy's take up alot of time and have priority. (2 and 6) :idea: Hey maybe thats a sign!!! :D Really like all the input here. I think Jim started a good subject. Even though he talk's to much!! :wink: :wink: :wink:
Have a really great day!!
05-22-2003, 07:08 AM
okay wise guy!! :wink:
glad to see you going bigger, you'd be redoing it if ya didn't :lol:
thanks :lol: Jim
05-22-2003, 08:38 AM
Good decision, my overhang was really inexpensive and it keeps the wood nice and dry. Best of luck, one of these days I will scan one of the pictures of my set up and send it to you.
Russell Lampron
05-23-2003, 06:00 AM
I built my sugarhouse 12 x 12 for my 2 x 6 evaporator with the roof
extended another 12 feet for wood storage. With the evaporator 18 inches
from the back wall I only have about 3 feet in front of the evaporator. It
is alittle tight and hot when it's time to fire. If I were to do it again I
would make the building 12 x 14. I built a 5 x 9 platform on the back side
of the sugarhouse for the storage and feed tanks with a shed roof over it.
I can store about 4 cords of wood in the wood shed end of it which is
enough for the whole season.
My 2 cents worth, Russ
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
05-23-2003, 07:08 AM
I have a 2 1/2 by 8 foot evaporator and our building is 12 by 16 and there is not any to much room at all. If there is 4 to 5 people in there it gets tight. We were originally going to get a 2 by 6 so that is the size we built the building for. Then we know we were going to expand so we got a bigger evaporator after the cement was already poured. We also have a 12 by 12 woodshed and it hold enough wood for about 400 taps. I do bieleve that if we had ended up with a 2 by 6 there would be the right amount of room and even extra when there aren't a lot of people in there. Hope this helps.
05-24-2003, 07:12 PM
Well I worked with metal roofing for the fisrt time today... experimented on my new chicken coop first...came out real good, so now I can re roof the sugarhouse soon. slippery stuff!!! I'll have to learn how to flash around the coupla and roof jack!!
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